Stress and Responsibilities

Posted on March 15, 2012 by WorkingBoomer

spacer The birds are singing. I woke up with their sound at 4:30a.m. to begin my day.  It is Thursday on the calendar but Monday for me. That is the day that I begin my work week.  I started reading baby boomer blogs on the computer as I drank my morning coffee.

Some people wrote about exercising and healthy eating.  Others wrote about how difficult it is to save money for retirement.  Then one person wrote a humorous blog about finding a vibrator as she dug in the garden to plant watermelon.  This gave me encouragement to write.

Stress Overload

Today I am just going to keep it simple and write the truth about my feelings.  This boomer is in stress overload – but is managing to be responsible.  Maybe you can relate.  As a child, I was always taught to be responsible.  I have been.  I work a full time job and dream of retirement.  My funds say no that may never be possible.  Can you relate?  We are in a different era of life.  Facing the truth is not always easy but necessary for me.

I had a grandchild born this week.  She is over a 1000 miles away in Florida.  My heart says to forget my job, catch a plane, and  GO.  My bank account says no you can not plus I have a job to go to tonight that gives me good health care benefits and a pay check to pay my bills.    At age sixty-three, I will do what I was taught;be responsible.  Many boomers are feeling overwhelmed and in stress overload.  They are taking care of their parents in their homes or visiting them in nursing homes.  Others are going to job interviews to start second jobs to make ends meet.  Many are sitting at computers each day with severe arthritis but pounding away on their computers to make money to survive in today’s economy.  We are in stress overload.

I am grateful to have a job but I have to be honest.  I would rather be in Florida holding my new grandchild and sitting beside my daughter’s bedside.  This is our world today.  As a divorced female the responsibility can put me easily into stress overload.


Some boomers are retired and planning vacations but still create circuit overload in their lives by trying to do too much to fast.  Slow down I say!  Enjoy what you have.   Right now you have a choice which some of us do not.  Take it easy.  Live for today.

How to Relieve Stress

Even though there are many of us that are in different situations, there are ways to deal with stress overload.  Here are a few that I will practice today.

  • I will do what is put in front of me to do but not over do.
  • I will keep a positive attitude and look for the good things around me.
  • I will continue to be responsible and remember that life is not always as I would want it to be but I am not alone in that respect.
  • I will rest when I get tired.
  • I will be grateful for what I have.
  • I will not let my emotions be in charge of my life.
  • I will care for myself by being responsible
  • I will take time to smile to give encouragement to at least one person in my busy day.
  • I will keep on keeping on because each day is new and I do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Whatever happens today, I will trust that it is happening for a reason and purpose.  Life is life and stress overload is not everyday.  On the days that I can, I will strive to do my best and be empowered by knowing that is good enough!

Hang in boomers we are just experiencing life on life’s terms and it is part of our journey.  Yes, we may get tired but enjoy the days that you are not as I am going to do.  Keep a positive attitude.  As for me, I am going to start planning and working toward a short visit to see Rorie Grace, my new grandchild.  I might not be there today but I am there in my heart.  I may not use the savings from my job for a new car but I will be responsible.  I will suit up and show up on my job today.  I will save a few dollars and visit that baby as soon as I can so I can kiss those sweet cheeks.

Remember, when in boomer stress circuit overload, this too shall pass and you can always find something to love or be grateful for, if you try hard enough!

The ABC’S For Living The Baby Boomer Years

Stress and your health fact sheet –

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Professional Caregiving, From a Boomer Perspective

Posted on March 3, 2012 by Robert Fowler

spacer A lot of Boomers are being forced to reinvent their life in order to finish well. I am one of those Second Act or Encore Boomers.

Professional Caregiver My Perfect Match

Last year brought the dreaded pink slip. As a Boomer about to turn sixty, this event really threw me into an emotional funk. Shortly after the good bye notice I started my Boomer blog. I felt a lot of other Boomer’s were very probably facing the same situation. I wanted to have a blog that would give Boomer’s a place to sound off, encourage one another and help each other find a way off their floating iceberg. It actually ended up being very cathartic for me and as I was trying to help others, I helped myself. By December 2011, I had thought it out, processed the many pieces of the puzzle and came to the conclusion that professional caregiving would be the perfect match for me at this time in my life.

Now, two months into my new caregiver career, I am loving it!!. I work at a very nice assisted living facility as a caregiver/sitter. These are assisted living residents that need a little extra assistance with getting through their day for various reasons. There can be times of recuperation from a hospital stay or a need for someone to assist them with various prescribed therapies or even a dementia resident that needs some stimulation/companion. As a consumer, the good part about going through an assisted living facility or an agency that provide these services, is of course some security in knowing that the caregiver has to have a background check, take a tuberculosis test, have a CPR certificate, plus some training in caregiving.

As a Boomer caregiver, I find it very easy to empathize for and with the patient in their struggles with declining abilities. I have formed a bond with my one “regular” patient. Personally, I cannot see how one can care for another and not form some attachment. I would only advise this as a career choice for those who find it easy to give love, care and concern to others. My regular enjoys a hug every day. Human touch is important even at 101 and eighty-eight pounds soaking wet.

spacer About The Snarky Boomer

I’m a “Baby Boomer” of 1951. I started writing online in 2004 for my business website. Since 2004 I have written several personal blogs and other business websites. In 2007 I was writing bid proposals, as partner in a software start up company. In 2008 I wrote a few eHow articles before the days of Demand Studio. I have over 20+ years of entrepreneurial and business experience. University of Georgia-Business, Psychology and Marketing, along with a folder full of certificates and seminars too long to list. I am a person who gets really excited learning and researching interesting places or a new project. Stop by and leave me a comment OR start a conversation in the forum.

“Since my mother has moved into an assisted living place she has started eating healthier thanks to the caregivers.  She is  interacting with others and caregiving has improved her life. She’s doing great.  Thanks.”

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Healthy Eating Tips

Posted on March 1, 2012 by WorkingBoomer

spacer Today I was reflecting back to the good ole days and my eating habits.  In the small town where I was raised, we enjoyed southern cooking as many folks did in Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia, and Mississippi.  There was battered cod and catfish. They were fried to a golden brown in tons of shortening or lard.  At other times there was fried salmon mixed with onions, rolled in corn meal and deep fried until the salmon cake was crispy on the outside.  My mother fried fish in an iron skillet, not a modern day Fry Daddy.  For side dishes we had deep fried potatoes with lots of salt.  Of course there was slaw.  The dressing was made from real mayonnaise mixed with lots of sugar.  For dessert, there were fresh baked pies and peach cobbler.  The pie dough was made from white flour and shortening.  A  great dessert contained lots of sugar.  The desserts were topped with homemade ice cream.  Yummy, yes it was!  Good ole down home cooking with a mouth watering taste and a  wonderful aroma could not be beat.  I can almost smell and taste it now!

Then there was the greasy spoon diner on the corner, where friends met up on a Saturday night.  They served the best double cheese burgers that money could buy for twenty-five cents.  The buns were dripping with real butter and the cheese rolled off the side down onto the plate.  If we had an extra nickle we had the waitress coat our greasy french fries with American cheese too.  For a drink, there was that non diet Lotta Cola.  Yes, that is what I am talking about; good ole down home, mouth watering, tummy filling, baby boomer, eating back in the good ole days!  We ate well but I did not say healthy.

Here it is fifty years later.  Yes boomers, get ready because I have to write about healthy eating today.  Let’s get serious.  A healthy diet is important.  By eating healthy we can maintain a good weight.  It will help prevent heart disease, diabetes, improve our digestive system, give us more energy, better bones and improves pain that goes along with arthritis.  Some foods even help with head aches. Many healthy foods help improve the blood circulation in our bodies.

Since I am not a dietitian or physician, I suggest you talk with your doctor about the type foods that you should eat.  The American Heart Association has many good suggestions too and can be found on line.

Eating Healthy Is Working For Me

Here are some things that I have done to eat more healthy. Thus far it is working for me.

  • I do not use lard, oil, butter or shortening for cooking.  Instead, I use virgin olive oil or non stick heart healthy olive oil pan spray.  Virgin olive oil has many benefits in a healthy diet.  The other things do not!
  • Since nothing is fried in my home, the Fry Daddy and iron skillet are history.  A non stick skillet works just fine for egg beater eggs, whites only.  I limit my salt intake and use salt substitutes.   Forget bacon, sausage and white country gravy because that is history too.
  • My tuna is no longer mixed with mayonnaise.  Fish consists of baked salmon and sardines.  This is a great way to get those healthy Omega 3′s that we need.  Omega 3 helps the heart, joint pain, and even has been known to help with depression. It also appears to have given me more energy.  I even have had some healthy weight loss.    Along with this, I take Omega 3 supplements to improve my triglycerides.  Then to help lower my cholesterol, I add a supplement of guggul and red yeast rice plus CoQ10.  Oh, and by the way, these pills are not too bad because they are coated with lemon so there is no fishy taste.
  • I still have slaw but no dressing that is not healthy.  Many of my meals consists of raw vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green peppers, and leafy vegetables such as lettuce and turnip greens.  I put a few nuts and bacon bits in my salad for flavor.I use different seasonings made by Mr. Dash which is salt free.
  • The pies and cobblers have been replaced with healthy fruits.  An apple in oatmeal for breakfast is not only good but very healthy.

The Lotta cola no long exists but soda does.  Since I limit my intake of sugar, I find that water and juices are much healthier for me.  Now and then a fruit smoothie hits the spot.  Then there are those nice yogurts too which can be eaten to produce energy.  Sometimes adding whole wheat cereal gives it a little crunch.  Whole wheat is healthy too.

Yes, I have to be honest!  Every once in awhile I cheat but not a lot.  If I do, I don’t beat myself up.  Instead, I get right back to healthy eating at the next meal.  I try to stay positive.  The supplements taste better than the cod liver oil that mother use to give me when I was a kid.  Ugh!:(   Healthy eating is much better than the side effects of many medicines.  The energy that I have gained helps me to be happier.  My skin is glowing. spacer    My clothes fit much better from the pounds that I have lost.  I can walk faster without getting out of breath.  My blood pressure is at an all time low level.  Not to mention, if at all possible, I may live to retire someday and hopefully avoid the nursing home.  Also I even read where eating healthy can help our brains.  Maybe then it will improve my memory so that I can write more stories as life goes on.

Happy eating boomers!  What are you doing to change your life style?  Get ready because next time I just might write about the importance of exercise as we continue our baby boomer journey.

Everyday Health Tips from WorkingBoomer

Boomers: Losing Weight After 50 | Using Boomer Wisdom To Be Healthy Health Care Tips for Baby Boomers

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