A New Way Forward

Resilient Futures is a global network of independent thinkers, strategists and practitioners who believe that the world is in the midst of massive change. This impacts everything we do and plan for and creates a context in which ‘business as usual’ is sub-optimal and change can be disorienting. The resulting confusion leads people, business and communities into unfamiliar territory where they perceive change and its complexity as a crisis. We believe that the complex change we are within is not so much a crisis of events but more a crisis of the way we think about the conditions we are experiencing and the planning and strategy methods we employ to address them. For instance, a recent global study of CEO’s found that:

  • Their organisations are not prepared to manage complexity and capitalise on it for success, and more so, meet the demands of their clients.
  • If organisations can embrace complexity it can lead to additional sources of competitive advantage and substantial new revenue streams.
  • This advantage can be sustainable because it is not easy for others to quickly learn and copy if managing complexity becomes institutionalised in an organisation.
Organisations and communities are 'complex process poor', often treat complexity as a problem and are very slow to embrace the fact that complex change brings with it huge opportunities. Hence, we believe that generating opportunity within complex change is in itself THE opportunity of this century. In pursuing this challenge, Resilient Futures provides a strategic difference in:

  • Dealing with complex change, its issues, problems and opportunities
  • A unique strategy framework – the Resilient Futures Framework
  • Understanding the array of conditions impacting organisations and communities at a local and global level, and
  • A network through which members can access advice &/or skills transfer around the application of the framework
If you see unsolved problems or unrealised opportunities in your organisation or community, Resilient Futures can help you develop a strategy that will pave the way to you generating opportunity within complex change.

Get Involved

Click here to get involved with the actvities of Resilient Futures

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An overview of Resilient Futures thinking and practice

Learn the Framework

Join the Resilient Futures Practitioners Playground to connect with a network of practitioners who are learning and using the Resilient Futures Framework. The practitioner network offers a symbiotic relationship between those with experience wishing to share their capability and those who are new to the Framework. The purpose of the playground is to create a space in which practitioners are able to connect with other members of the network, share experiences, develop ideas and access support from approved Resilient Futures coaches when required.

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Big Change Blog

This blog is the main 'listening post' for anyone on the Web with an interest in observing and interpreting complex change. Change, of course, is everywhere and we can all watch for it and report on it. Future conditions and prospects are full of opportunity and by sharing the immediate and emergent signs of complex change we can look forward to a future created by us, rather than one created for us.


Join Conditions Watch

Please join us in our Linkedin Group called Conditions Watch. The monitoring of emerging conditions is a priority for robust strategy and one of the primary elements of the Resilient Futures Framework. By being part of Conditions Watch on Linkedin you will hear what our Resilient Futures Practice Leaders have to say on a variety of topics that will impact you and your organization. Also, you be able to network and interact with likeminded people and share thoughts, ideas and experiences from a variety of backgrounds and parts of the world. Click here to join

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