

Although the 100WP started without a master plan, I see now there were several themes in place all along. One was to bring those who build with those who create, closer together. Spending time in Italy I appreciate the live connection that exists between the originator and the maker of an idea. They are still linked in the traditions of the guild system. While I handmade most pieces in this show, it also contains the hands and ideas of a very wide community of collaborators. When we see everyone as a “creative” the volume and flow of the work we do accelerates, this energy attracts participation and flows upward like a bird in a thermal lift. I had an image in the back of my head as I was working. It was of a collaborator, say a rigger or a welder, with their child looking at the exhibit, and I’m overhearing, “I want to become an artist just like you.”

Photographers became the largest group of 100WP collaborators. Over 40 professionals spent a week or two with each piece and returned with their personal photographic interpretation of the sculpture. And I got a gift back each time. A fresh new view of each piece, and an update on the huge camera talent resident in San Diego County.


Gary Allard
Jose Alonso
Paul Body
Sean Cassidy
Mark Dastrup
John Durant
Gavin Filipiak
Luis Garcia
Tom Greer
Eileen Happer
David Harrison
Monica Hoover
Stacy Keck
Leo Malevanchik
Tsukuru Matsumura
Tracy Meiners
Karen Morrison
Nick Nacca
Cameron Okamoto
Chris Park
Garrett Patz
Philipp Rittermann
Frank Rogozienski
Marcelle Romeo
Aaron Serafino
Mike Smith
Kathryn Szalay
John Trice
Carl Vanderschuit
Ken West
Marshall Williams
Chris Wimpey
Cera Zittlow

Contributors / Supporters:

Carl Agriesti
AIGA San Diego
Michele Angelini
Architectural Salvage
Matt Bachmann
Pascal Bauer
Ben Brock
Tim Butler
Café Virtuoso
Mauricio Chernovetzky
Seth Collins
Design Innovation Institute
Matt Devine
Dan Doyle
Lauren English
Epilog Laser
Fabrication Arts
Holly Flakus
Joan Gregor
Marc Hedges
Tom Holmberg
Michael Iannuzziello
JETT Gallery
Horizon Display
Miho Gastrotruck
Miki Iwasaki
Sean Kelley
Aaron Kramer
Brian Lamb
Francis Lamberts
Victor Laruccia
LJG Partners
Carlos Maldodor
Aki Martin
Zoran Milivojevic
Miriello Grafico
Anne Miriello
Barbara Miriello
Ben Miriello
Marlane Miriello
William Mortellaro
NEC Corporation
Scott Northcutt
John O’Connell
Chiara Occhipinti
Checo Rubio
Pacific Rigging Loft
Chuck Pelly
Deborah & Simon Ritchkin
Peyton Robertson
Rick Rydell
San Diego Brain Tumor Foundation
San Diego Welding Services
Fabrizio Scippa
Max Umberg
Joey Vaiasuso
Gina Von Der Kret
Mike Von Der Kret
Loretta Weiss
Robert Winfield