Baffled by the British

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Dear Dumb Guy: Hating on the British is a global phenomenon. Americans, Australians, the Irish … so many people dislike the Brits. Yet they keep coming at us with the best entertainment on the small-screen. So I guess my question is, how can the British be so lame, but consistently make such awesome television programming? - The not-so-mighty Boosh in Louisville

Dear Louisville: Well, boy, are you opening a can of chutney-infused worms right there. I’m gonna take the high road and ignore all of the stereotypes that your question hints at – the British have bad teeth, their music hasn’t evolved significantly since the 1970s, they started World War II when they invaded Poland.

Those are all incontrovertible facts, but I’m going to leave them be at this time and instead focus on the real answer to your question: We are envious of their cuisine.

British food is synonymous with flavor, style, cutting-edge technique, and the use of the freshest and most appealing ingredients available. French chefs routinely make trips to London to sample the latest innovations in pub fare, taking notes under the table and bringing them back to their bistros where they attempt (in vain, usually) to replicate the magic.

How could we not be resentful of all that?

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