
Openly developed Role Playing Games and Settings

The Final Countdown!

Posted in School Daze on March 19th, 2012 by Tracy


Now that I have that song stuck in your head, let me excitedly inform you that this week is the last week of the Kickstarter for School Daze. I’ve been working to figure out how to continually promote this Kickstarter, and I think I might have over-done things on Twitter, and such, so I’ve been holding off on pushing things. However, this is the last week, and I would dearly love to see the funding hit the 7k mark.

I’ve Never Been This Way Before

Other than talking about the Kickstarter, the other thing that I’ve done a lot online is remind people that I’m new to all of this. And, it’s true. I’m sure that I’ve made missteps along the way, and that if I had done things properly, the Kickstarter would be doing even better now. However, no matter the second-guessing that I could be doing right now, I’m thrilled with where things are at. Would I be even more thrilled if we reach the 7k mark or higher? You bet your sweet boots, I would. But none of that changes what we’ve already accomplished here.

School Daze is going to get published. The rest is just tasty, tasty gravy.

Hoping Against Hope, and Wishing Against Wish

Tasty gravy is tasty. I would love to hand you guys the main course of School Daze, and have it slathered with a huge, molten pile of the Trowbridge High Student Handbook. I want to see you guys play with what I’ve made, and see where you take the games that are set both in “normal Trowbridge,” and in the alternate settings the Student Guide will present.

That won’t happen unless we hit 7k, though.

This is the week, and I hope very dearly that we will get to see that happen. It would take this already magical experience, and turn the volume up to eleven on it. There will be clowns, dancing bears, and fire-eating circus midgets. We will see fireworks in the sky, and young couples holding hands as they walk along explosion-lit beaches. It will be Christmas, New Year’s, and Crazy Larry’s Semi-Annual Halloween Party, all wrapped up into one giant ball of awesome.

Sure, all of that will be in my head, but you will be the one to make it happen.

So go do it.

Tags: excitement, kickstarter, last week, school daze

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