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Foxy’s Tips

Green Thought

March 2012

All lawns are not created equal.  If your grass is still filling in from the brief winter dormancy, hold off on cutting it.  Let the grass send out runners and fill in bare patches instead of jumping for plugs or new sod all together.  We’ve had to tell multiple lawn maintenance crews to hold off on mowing for this very reason.  Let your grass grow in-  even if it looks weird for a few weeks.  This is a crucial growth period so fertilize with time release nitrogen and avoid using weed & feed products.  You’ll be ‘keeping up with the Jones’ before you know it!

February 2012

This month, we take the advice of our favorite magazines: Southern Living.  ’Cut back the old leaves of liriope and mondo grass plantings before new leaves emerge.  You can cut small plantings by hand.  For larger ones, use your lawn mower with the blade set at 2 1/2 to 3 inches high.  Be careful not to cut too short, as you may damage this season’s new leaves.  You can check the height of the new growth by gently pulling apart the existing leaves near the base of the plant.’  (Southern Living Magazine, Feb 2012, pg 66)


January 2012

We’re bringing in the new year with lots of resolutions to keep growing in 2012!  One change is going to be growing more of our own vegetables to cut back on costs and increase the amount of vital nutrients our body receives.  During these colder months, lots of leafy vegetables grow in abundance.  We plan on growing them in containers so we can move them to the sunniest location and also protect them from sudden cold snaps.  It’s so easy to buy a veggie starter pack at your local nursery or garden center for $5-$10 and you’ll be eating from it all season long!  Read about which veggies to pick out in this IFAS gardening guide for January.

September 2011

Want an easy, inexpensive solution to freshen up your landscape?  Put down some new pinestraw mulch!  You’ll be surprised how far 20 bales of pinestraw can go.  Not only will it help with weeds and water retention, but it also improves the quality of your soil over time.  Go here to see the Florida-Friendly Principles on mulching.

August 2011

This month, we’d like to feature another flowering specimen tree: the Althea.  Also called Rose of Sharon, Althea trees are renown for their over-sized flowers and hardy tendencies.  Imagine a tropical hibiscus flower with light green leaves that comes back from the frost year after year.  The most common bloom color is white with a dark pink center, but purples and pinks with double petals are gaining popularity.  Email Margie to find out if an Althea tree is right for your yard!  She knows what grows spacer

July 2011

It seems the higher the temperatures get, the more color we see from our crape myrtle trees.  If your blooms are reachable with a small ladder, you may want to try ‘tip pruning’ to encourage another flush of color through August.  We found this UF IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) article on crape myrtles that states ‘tip pruning promotes flowering because dormant buds below the cuts are stimulated to grow, and flowers form at tips of new growth.’  Read more about it here to see if your tree needs this second cut to re-blooms.

June 2011

This month, we’re featuring one of our favorite trees: The vitex tree (Vitex agnus-castus).  It has lavender blooms that resemble butterfly bush, yet a mature vitex can reach 15′ in height.  It’s resilient to disease and bugs which is a huge plus.  Butterflies and bees love the fragrant flowers that appear from spring to summer.  The foliage drops over the winter to reveal attractive stem character.  Pruning may be necessary over time to achieve the shape you want if you buy it small as a shrub.  Call us if you need advice on where to find one.  Read more on the IFAS Extension website by clicking here.


May 2011

Let’s face it, people don’t have the time to tend to a huge 1/2 acre garden like they did in the good ol’ days.  But we want your garden to still be the creme of the crop no matter how big or small.  Container gardens can be beautiful, colorful, and even edible!  Here’s a mantra to stick to: include a thriller, a filler, and a spiller.  Take into account each plant’s growth habit and size to ensure your container will look fantastic all season long!  We love portulaca as a ‘spiller’ because it cascades over the side of a pot and doesn’t require a lot of watering.  Happy gardening everyone!


April 2011

It’s that time of year again.. Easter Lilies are here!  With their breathtaking fragrance and large, trumpet-like flowers,  it’s a shame they don’t last more than two weeks inside.  But we have good news!  You can actually plant them outside after the blooms fades away.  Plug them into a sunny spot with rich soil and this time next year you’ll have a whole new flower display to enjoy!  The best part is that you can watch the bulbs multiply over the years, allowing you to spread them all throughout your garden.

March 2011

Finally, spring is here and we couldn’t be happier!  There is an old saying that roses should be pruned by Valentine’s Day.  Don’t fret, this is just a rule of thumb and you can prune today without risking your entire rosebush.  Check out this amazing rose FAQ page if you have any questions or feel intimidated when it comes to those thorny (yet beautiful) plants.  Leah has been snipping away at roses for the past few weeks now.  Please feel free to contact her if you need some ‘Foxy’ help! (email: leahfoxgrows@yahoo.com)

February 2011

Things are starting to thaw after the hard freezes.  This is a critical time in the gardening calendar for North Florida.  Never over-prune your ornamental trees or shrubs.  This is a common mistake we see all the time; particularly with crape myrtle trees.  It’s been deemed ‘crape murder’ when the branches are cut off at the same length year after year.  Let the tree reach its natural shape and only prune the suckers near the ground or raise the canopy slightly if a branch is blocking your path.  Check out this amazing article from the UF IFAS Gardening Solutions web page: www.gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/giam/news/2009/five_mistakes.html. Let us help you prepare for Spring- call the Foxy Ladies today!

January 2011

Happy New Year from Foxy Foliage!  Hopefully your new year’s resolution involves some time in your landscape or garden.  The local paper had a great article on what to do and what to avoid this winter to help your plants prepare for spring.  Raymond H. Zorba Jr. wrote the article and here’s what we thought was most important to pass on to our friends and clients:

“Now is the time to move those plants that aren’t happy where they are.  A greater success is achieved if you first dig down around them … a month or two before the move..”

“Reminder: Florida’s Arbor Day Celebration this year falls on Friday, Jan. 21.  Why not consider planting a tree to commemorate some event important to your family or community?”

Read the complete article here:  jacksonville.com/entertainment/home-and-garden/2011-01-01/story/january-time-get-your-garden-ready-spring

December 2010

Here comes the cold weather!  Don’t let your worn-out summer annuals turn your yard into a messy eyesore.  It’s time to plant new color for the winter.  We love dianthus, pansies, petunias, and violas.  There are plenty of flowering shrubs that will add a splash of color, too.  Think like a fox and consult the experts from UF by checking out their North Florida Gardening Calendar for December. Happy holidays from our garden to yours!


November 2010

The leaves are changing colors!  Not only changing, but accumulating on the ground.  It’s important to get them off your grass either by mowing them down or raking them up.  Protect the bedding plants from the threat of frost with mulch and leaves around their bases.  Pick out the weeds and take note of the perennials that die back during this season.  Lastly, if you plan on having any winter vegetables, plant them ASAP to ensure bountiful crops.  Planting lettuce and carrots in containers makes them easy to protect from any freezing temperatures.

October 2010

We sure are glad the fall weather is here!  The stresses of summer have ceased but that doesn’t mean your gardening chores are over.  Now is the perfect time to plant the ‘right plant in the right place’ so roots can grow over the cooler season.  Take a look at the October Gardening Calendar from the UF ISAF extension office for tons of helpful information: solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu/lawn_and_garden/calendar/

September 2010

Pine trees are dropping their needles these days and that means one thing: free mulch!  If you don’t have pine trees in your own yard, just look around your neighborhood.  Fill up a few trash bags or even collect them in a wheelbarrow.  Replenish the worn out mulch from earlier in the season, being sure to cover any exposed soil that is susceptible to weeds.

spacer Last month’s extreme temperatures were stressful on many plants in your yard.  Be careful when the temptation arises to fertilize or treat for bugs.  Make sure you are buying the right products and follow the instructions carefully.  Lots of times plants can be burned by applying during the hot hours of the day.  Now is also a good time to fertilize your citrus trees and remove any deformed, fruitless branches.  Enjoy a nice refreshing glass of fresh squeezed lemonade or orange juice when all your hard work bears fruit!

August 2010

If you have sabal palms in your yard, now is the time to hire a professional tree surgeon.  They will come out and remove the seed pods that, if left alone where they are, will drop and produce hundreds of tiny seedlings all around your existing palm.  They can remove brown or yellow fronds at this time too, and leave you with a beautiful Floridian landscape.

July 2010

Don’t forget!  July is the last month to cut back your azaleas and hydrangeas!  Cutting will ensure a lush blooming season and encourage new growth.  Remember that azaleas have a very shallow root system so leaf litter will eventually break down and harm the plant.  Take an electric leaf blower and clean out your hedges to make sure you’re seeing color from one season to the next!

June 2010

Did you know that cutting the seed heads off your crape myrtle’s suspended blooms will allow it to bloom AGAIN this summer?!  Enjoy the beautiful flush of color all season long by applying this tactic in your garden.  Keep the weeds at bay by reapplying mulch that has been washed out by those predictable afternoon rain storms.  We suggest using pine straw since it wont float away like wood chips or bark.  Whatever you choose to mulch with, get plenty of it and apply it deep enough to prevent weed germination and to smother out existing smaller weeds.  Take care around the base of the plants, however, making sure that you aren’t suffocating the plant.

May 2010

Keep your knockout roses looking great all summer long with proper pruning.  Clip off old blooms as they fade using a clean pair of shears.  Selective pruning like this will ensure consistent color throughout your garden.  If you happen to clean up your rose bush and pick off a few unsightly yellow leaves or branches, be sure to throw them away and not just drop them back in the flower bed.  This will ensure your plant stays healthy and beautiful making your attention to detail quite rewarding.

Green Thought

Make sure to water during dry spells, especially azaleas and camellias. When rains stop, water 1-2 times weekly as well as replenish mulch in existing areas. It is very important not to do any major pruning so you can allow plants to harden off for winter. In order to extend blooming, remove old flowers from annuals and make sure to check weekly for thrips and scale insects.

Green Thought

During the month of November, landscaping and design is key in regards to perennials. Make sure to divide and replant overgrown perennials and bulbs so that they are settled  before the coolest weather arrives. To get in-depth coverage discussing pruning methods for this time of year, visit the University of Florida IFAS extension website at edis.ifas.ufl.edu/mg108.

Also be on the lookout for fungal disease. watch for a brown patch that turns yellow. Treatment is difficult for fungus during this time of year, so prevention is key. Find out more at the University of Florida website to learn full treatment of this fungus also known as Rhizoctonia Blight at edis.ifas.ufl.edu/lh044.

To always make sure that you are always ready for climate and seasonal changes in your garden and landscape, make sure to stop by monthly and get more information right here.

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