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Mission Statement

The goal of the Autism Society is to promote lifelong opportunities for people within the autism spectrum to be fully-included, participating members of their communities by providing information and referral, advocacy, public awareness, education, and support for families and the professionals who assist them.

 What is autism spectrum disorder?

Autism is a Spectrum Disorder that interferes with speech, learning, and social skill development.  Symptoms can include:  unusual responses to sensations such as touch, hearing smell, and taste; unusual ways of relating to people, objects, and events; disturbances in the rate of appearance of physical, social, and language skills; late talking and/or speech difficulties; resistance to change; lack of ability to play like other children; difficulties with skill motor functions; difficulties with social interactions.  Individuals with autism have a broad range of symptoms ranging from mild to more severe.  
How many people are affected by autism?

One in 91 people are affected.  Autism occurs 4 times more frequently in males than females.  It frequently occurs with other disorders that affect the functioning of the brain, such as a seizure disorder or metabolic disorders.  There are no ethnic boundaries.

When is autism usually diagnosed?

Autism is usually diagnosed by age 3.  An accurate diagnosis requires a team of professionals.  Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to the child’s development and prognosis.

Where can I go for help if I think my child has some of the symptoms of autism?

If you feel your child is showing some of the signs of autism and you would like more information, please contact the Autism Society of Northeast Wisconsin at 920-264-8067.  For information on other chapters in Wisconsin, call 1-888-4-AUTISM.  For nationwide information, contact the Autism Society of America at 1-800-328-8476

Web space provide by Athena Group, Appleton, Wisconsin

Austism Society of Northeast Wisconsin


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