Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light – DailyOM Course


Tiger vs Tsunami

This Tiger is my mind grasping, upholding it’s last stance for territory, for land, for division, fighting for survival but it sees with it’s whole being that he cannot overpower this ocean. This truth of Love that moves in and out, back and forth. It’s like waves upon the ocean touching the Tiger’s feet. Playing at his feet letting him know he can be consumed in an instant. Drowned in the discovery of Truth and Love.

The tiger stands strong in its beliefs and survival holding the ground underneath him, smelling danger, ready for attack.

And so it begins – the dance between the tiger and the ocean

The Tiger will become tired to stand his ground. Yet the wind, currents and water are tireless and upheld by something beyond comprehension for it is beyond the mind or even the Tiger.

(Here is a video I took of myself describing the Tiger and Tsunami that I saw over a year ago…)

And this vision became a part of our teaching in the DailyOM course

Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light!

by Chantal Monté and Cyndi Dale

Lesson 4: The Illusion – course sample

If we can put our ideas away, for just a moment, and open to Love. Not what we think love should look like, feel like or act like. By not limiting love in any way, shape or form but seeing it as expressions of how life moves – up, down, sideways, all around, twirling, swirling, ever changing. Life and love are energy. Happiness, spirituality, joy, passion are not goals but states of being. We are, in every moment, creating a universe around us with our mind and our heart. What is moving around you?


In this fourth lesson of the e-course, you may be feeling a growing sense of your kundalini energy, an experience that might feel like a deepening or an outward expansion. Through the power of your breath and the beauty of your awareness, you’re opening up to the energy and light that merges within…a gathering and weaving of forces that is the fire within YOU.

A Matter of Misperception

Maya is a Sanskrit word that you may be familiar with. Ma meaning “not” and ya meaning “that,” in essence, maya describes the world we live in as an illusion.

Delving more deeply into its meaning, we find that maya doesn’t denounce the world and all it contains. It’s not saying that the world isn’t real. What maya actually points to is how we see the world.

Through our many filters, our perceptions of the world are shaped and colored. Our filters include (but aren’t limited to) our thoughts, beliefs, concepts, memories, cultural influences, and the stories of our emotional and psychological wounds. As the mind identifies and labels everything it perceives (based on our personal preferences, upbringing, and beliefs), it limits our receptivity to the limitless possibilities that exist within and around us.

Purchase here

By Chantal Monte, on March 11th, 2012

Mandala of Life


As we are born into existence, our story comes written on our body, complete with lessons, life path, family patterns, systems and destiny.

Our subtle body is filled like a mandala, lovingly prepared with tiny grains of sand, color and blessings, waiting to be set aflame and set free.

We sit on a golden lotus that supports and upholds us as we unravel and open from the depths of mud and swamp, clearing our past, re-membering our future.

Our ancestors echo in the background, whispering for release and renunciation, supported and upheld with strong beliefs, stories and definitions. Yet our life turns throughout the ages, as each cycle appears with radiance, ready to transform until we arrive at ourselves.

We practice. We preach. We push beyond balance to a tipping point until a quiet fire settles in. We find peace, happiness and Love.

The system is still in play but just an echo, echo, echo.

By Chantal Monte, on March 2nd, 2012

Interview with Mommy Mystic


Interview with Chantal Monte – Bali, ‘Remembering’ and Kundalini

I’m so happy to start 2012 by sharing an interview with friend and colleague Chantal Monte. Chantal is an energy healer and intuitive consultant whom I first met through our mutual association with Cyndi Dale. Chantal emanates an exquisite, refined, other-worldly energy both in person and in her work (which I have personally experienced and love.) Although trained in multiple modalities, her primary training occurred in Bali. In the following interview I spoke with her about her experiences in Bali, healing as ‘remembering’, her kundalini experiences, and her current work offering kundalini activations and workshops.

I would love to start with hearing about your relationship with, and spiritual training, in Bali. I know this is such a big part of who you are and what you do. When did you first go and why?

I went by myself in 1998, and I had absolutely no idea what to expect spiritually, emotionally, or physically. I knew nothing much about what I was going to arrive into, other than that my grandmother was from Jakarta, Indonesia – she was born and raised there. I grew up in a very Eastern-based household in San Francisco, and from my grandmother I absorbed a lot of the beliefs and lifestyle from her roots in Jakarta.


By Chantal Monte, on February 17th, 2012

See me with your Soul

Devour me with your Love

As I sit and write, as I tune in and open into everything around me, I am eaten alive by the wonderment of love. Amazed at how love can move in so many directions at once – swirling, spinning, up, down, sideways, inside out, outside in, all in a moments notice. Love cannot be defined by the mind, it is not even defined by this world of duality that we live in. We just think it is.

Love is everything – from the most incredible experiences, the erotic, the sublime, to the traumas and injustices we experience. For most of us on a spiritual path, the most difficult experiences has brought us here to the spiritual, the mystical, even the erotic.

The light and dark push and pull and stretch us farther than we can ever imagine ourselves going. For without their duality we would not become who we truly are. This light and dark help us reach the precipice of ourselves, to become what we are made of, the miracle and splendor that we are. And somehow we are always surprised by ourselves, we are always more than we imagined ourselves to be. How could we have known any of this without the gifts from the light and the dark.

We have been tossed around in the spinning swirl of love itself. If it were not for the seemly difficult forms of love, we might not have chosen this road and where would we be right now? Who would we be right now if it were not for love itself defining us? Moving us beyond our preconceived ideas of life and love.

Making love with the Gods is an erotic way of life. God/Love is in everything and everywhere, all the time. It’s how we open to life by releasing and surrendering ourselves to something much greater – similar to love making. Where we let go and merge together as one, not defined by a persona, a goal, a dream or even flesh and bones. This is where we get to move beyond the personality or the “I”. Being eaten up by love, where the “I” no longer exists in the limitation of who you are or what your life looks like. For we are being swept away in the currents of love which is much greater than anything we can imagine.

We are moved beyond ourselves and merged into everything around us. This is living beyond the limitations of personal preferences and ego. What we think Life is about. What we think we want. What if we just opened and allowed Life in? and moved us?

Where we begin to shed our skin and our being expands into everything – where everything is us. For there is no separation between you and nature, you and me, you and the Gods.

When I open into the energy of everything around me, I can connect to all that is, to everything that created me – the elements of wind and fire, the oceans of rhythm and tides, the pulsations of the sun. And whether it was a God, a creative life force or something completely unknown  -

sometimes, I feel like how a God might feel.

By Chantal Monte, on February 12th, 2012
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