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Career Self-Assessment

You are about to take a self-assessment that will help you to better understand whether a career in the home performance industry might be a good fit for you.

The assessment includes 5 sections, and generally will take about 20 minutes to complete. You will not be able to save the self-assessment while you are taking it, so please plan to take the entire assessment in a single session in order to successfully complete it and obtain your results. The assessment asks about your preferences toward work that is more technical or social in nature. In addition, the assessment asks about your physical, sales, and construction skills, all of which are important in home performance careers.

At the end of the self-assessment you will be asked to provide your zip code, email, name and phone number. By providing your zip code, we can see where participants come from, by providing your email we can email your results to you so you have them to refer to later. In some cases, this will also allow us to provide you with information about upcoming training opportunities or industry events.

Please do not click your browser’s “back” button during the Career Self-assessment. If you do you will return to the beginning and lose your completed answers. The “back” option is not available so you can more quickly complete the test and so you get an accurate assessment.

Developed by Oakgrounds and ARI Soft.


Home Performance Resource Center
Phone: (415) 449-0551
Fax: (415) 449-0559
PO Box 55587
Washington, DC 20040


The Home Performance Resource Center is a national not-for-profit organization formed to conduct research and education concerning the field of home energy performance. More »
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