
January 19, 2012

Brand Bible Blogumentary

A Very Special Live Episode of Design Matters with Malcolm Gladwell and Guests

Author: Debbie Millman

Topics: Branding Identity, Design Reference, Managing Design, Packaging, Profiles

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A still from the live taping of Design Matters with special guest Malcolm Gladwell and friends

A live episode of my internet podcast Design Matters with Debbie Millman was filmed at the School of Visual Arts Masters in Branding Studio by Hillman Curtis late last year to celebrate the launch of Malcolm Gladwell's illustrated collection of The Tipping Point, Blink and Outliers.

Guests included artist and illustrator Brian Rea, designer Paul Sahre, entrepreneur Josh Liberson and innovation expert DeeDee Gordon. We had a lively conversation about what it took to make this boxed set. Hear all about the trials and tribulations of this historic collaboration and the trajectory this project took from concept to creation.


DeeDee Gordon, President, Innovation at Sterling Brands, was featured in The Tipping Point


Designer of the illustrated collection of Malcolm Gladwell books, Paul Sahre


Artist Brian Rea created over 300 original illustrations for the books


Joshua Liberson, Vice President at One King's Lane, who created the concept for the boxed set


Author Malcolm Gladwell describes his design process

The collection of Malcolm Gladwell's boxed set can be found here.

{"http:\/\/\/content\/column.php?id=218":{"comments":{"data":[{"id":"10150479367466491_20016702","from":{"name":"Mary Ann Hall","id":"646647659"},"message":"Nice post with interesting video about the process of designing the illustrated boxed set of Malcolm Gladwell's books.","created_time":"2012-01-19T16:11:38+0000","likes":1},{"id":"10150479367466491_20017001","from":{"name":"Jane Naillon","id":"755054642"},"message":"Great minds! If you are a fan of Design and The Tipping Point, you should see this. Debbie Millman and DeeDee Gordon along with the brilliance of Paul Sahre, Brian Rea and the  Josh Liberson.","message_tags":[{"id":"769270369","name":"Debbie Millman","type":"user","offset":84,"length":14},{"id":"1554745560","name":"DeeDee Gordon","type":"user","offset":103,"length":13}],"created_time":"2012-01-19T16:33:06+0000","likes":1},{"id":"10150479367466491_20017138","from":{"name":"Regina Rockport Quarry","id":"100002606201999"},"message":"Great piece, thank you for bringing this to us. Significant, estimable, and inspiring. Bravo Debbie!","created_time":"2012-01-19T16:45:37+0000"},{"id":"10150479367466491_20017382","from":{"name":"Vincent Scatliffe","id":"12501038"},"message":"HECK YEAH! LOVE IT!","created_time":"2012-01-19T17:04:06+0000","likes":1},{"id":"10150479367466491_20018459","from":{"name":"Rodney Larson","id":"1133872895"},"message":"Well done.","created_time":"2012-01-19T18:37:04+0000"},{"id":"10150479367466491_20019751","from":{"name":"Kelly Stewart","id":"682395428"},"message":"Neat. Josh and Debbie (and friends) talk about the design of the illustrated boxed collection of Malcolm Gladwell's best-sellers. The books really are beautiful, by the way, if anyone hasn't seen them.","created_time":"2012-01-19T20:13:50+0000"}],"paging":{"next":"https:\/\/\/comments?ids=http\u00253A\u00252F\\u00252Fcontent\u00252Fcolumn.php\u00253Fid\u00253D218&limit=25&offset=25&__after_id=10150479367466491_20019751"}}}} is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.