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February fun fun fun

Hey baby babies,

If it sounds like I’m coming on to all of you out there on the world wide web, you’re right.  It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m jonesin’ for all of you to come out and spend some quality “me” time.  That’s time where you watch me perform and stuff.

February has already been jam packed with amazing music making!  Performances of Sextuor: L’origine des Especes ended last Saturday with a bang!  It was such an incredible experience to make such wonderful music with amazing people!  A million thank yous to Megan Schubert, Nicholas de Maison, Jeremy Bloom, Krissy Wright, Gelsey Bell, Christie Finn, Emilie Girard-Charest, and Silvie Jensen as well as everyone who donated space, time and money! I think we did old Georges Aperghis proud!

I am very very excited about my collaboration with the dashingly dapper Ian Munro.  Ian will be on squeezebox with me on the vox at Aliza Simon’s series, Don’t Say Shit in Front of the B-A-B-Y on February 16th.  This Saturday at Roulette, Gelsey Bell, Tom Swafford and I will be doing a children’s program about the voice and violin!  I’ve always wanted to do something like this, and I think it will be fun for all ages!  After that on February 19th we’ve got The Sweat Lodge Presents: Winter SWEATer, part of the Composers Now Festival.

The Groundhog says 6 more weeks of winter.  I’ll keep you warm until then.