Experience transformation as we cross the threshold into the Aquarian Age

Join Guru Dev Singh, Gurmukh, Guru Singh, Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal and Miten with Manose, along with guest teachers Chardhi Kala Jatha, Guru Dass, Shyamdas, Kartar Singh and all your brothers and sisters from around the world to celebrate the dawning of the Aquarian Age in Rishikesh, India ~ a 7-day celebration of music and Kundalini Yoga on the holy banks of the Mother Ganga. For 13,000 years we have awaited this time. Let us journey to the ancient land of wisdom, love, and the Creator. As we gather, our light, prayers, and healing will be felt throughout the world. We are the Light. We are the Love.
Let it be felt, and let it uplift and heal the world. Elevate the world, your family, yourself!
Join us in prayer, ceremony, dancing, Sadhana, chanting, laughing, loving, and eating delicious food together. Bring your children of all ages. Bring your mother. Bring your father. Bring everyone. Can you imagine the joy and fun that we shall have? We are warmly and lovingly hosted by Parmarth Niketan Ashram.

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