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Home > Gear > GTR3 > Citron Amps

Neil on the Amp Modeling Process

Ive been producing and engineering since 1972, and in those days of tape and well fix it in the mix attitude, you had to learn a lot about micing and getting it right to tape the first time. I used to use multiple mics instead of EQ, as I couldnt trust what might happen to the sound if I let someone else EQ it when mixing. These mics were combined and printed to tape in the amounts I wanted. Over the years, Ive also used different speakers in different cabinets, combined to get a thicker sound as well. Thats what I did here with Waves.

I used a Marshall Plexi, an Ibanez Thermion and a Carvin Legacy, together with my old cabinets from the late 60s. One has 20 watt, 16 Ohm Celestion speakers, and the other is filled with Electro Voice 250 watt, 8 Ohm speakers. I also used two 2 x 12 cabinets with the same speaker configurations. There are Clean and Crunch versions of the amps, and the speakers are also labeled so you can match what I used. Some of the distortion comes from the speakers, so changing the cabs will affect the tone. That being said, you should feel free to experiment.

These amps were micd and sampled using Neve mic-pres and EQd the way I would record them. The amps come up with everything at 12 oclock, and that would represent the recorded sound. I added a little EQ when recording the samples to make them jump out or just sound a little different. I didnt use any radical settings, so you could hear it closely representing what I did.

I used a few different guitars while sampling the amps, in order to capture how different amps react to them. If you play lightly, you will also hear a big difference, as you would playing through my amps live. I hope you enjoy these amp models.

Neil Citron
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