
At Wadia Digital, music is the connection between sound and experience. Where engineering and artistry come together to create audio components of timeless design and exceptional quality. Wadia Digital represents the finest in digital audio performance and we strive to develop components that balance our knowledge of technology with a passion for music; to create inspiring musical experiences that exceed every expectation. Our goal is to connect you, the listener, with the sounds, the experiences, and the music of your life.

121 – CES 2012

Michael Lavorgna: AudioStream
January 16 . 2012 …»

series 9/571 – Tour de Force

HiFi Unlimited
August 31 . 2011 …»

series 9 Drives Aida World Debut

Wadia/Sonus faber
December 10 . 2011 …»

S7i – A Night of Fine Sounds

November . 3 . 2011 …» is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.