If there’s a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison

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    Book Video: Pimpneymouse the last farm on Chappaquiddick

    This is a love story between a girl and her island. Almost eighty years ago, five-year-old Edo Potter came to an almost deserted island in the dead of a New England winter.

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    Book Video: Schooner building a wooden boat on Martha’s Vineyard

    Here is an exquisitely beautiful book about the creation of an elegantly beautiful wooden schooner, and the gifted artisans who built her. The many design and construction endeavors of the Gannon & Benjamin Marine

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    Book Video:Martha’s Vineyard Tile hidden gems in island homes

    Martha’s Vineyard Tile takes nine special places on the island off the coast of Massachusetts and uses them to define “Vineyard” style. It peeks inside the houses of residents and visitors to show how the owners

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    Book Video:Morning Glory Farm and the family that feeds an island

    Everyone on Martha’s Vineyard eventually ends up at Morning Glory Farm- celebrities, islanders, summer visitors, foodies. Buying fresh, locally grown and prepared foods from Morning Glory is a rite of passage.




My inspiration is the island. And when I get to see it through your eyes, I’m the luckiest person alive.

Life on the Vineyard


What lies behind closed doors — and is it my business?

We have all done it: wandered onto private property in the off season, curious about how our summer visitors or our celebrities live, safe in the idea that in winter, the Vineyard belongs to us and that we have a right to explore it. Which is why the tragic death of two women in a [...]


Something to contemplate about home sizes

No one can argue that the natural life of Martha’s Vineyard has an overwhelming impact on us. You particularly realize this on a cold winter’s day when you see people pulled off on the side of Beach Road, just looking out over the water, or when you find hikers in long down coats marching along [...]


Hen talk: A guest blog

  On Sunday afternoon Don and I went to a friend’s home in Chilmark to play with Millie, their big beautiful curly haired golden and to water their plants. Milly is very fond of Don and her new green squeaky toy. On the way back we saw Susie Middleton (who is about to see her [...]


A magical, slightly dangerous night

Things happen in Mexico that could really happen nowhere else. Today, a few hundred people stumbled down rough paths and out onto rocks in the canyon at El Charco del Ingenio, the botanical garden in San Miguel de Allende, to hear a classical pianist offer six pieces of music and two encores to celebrate the [...]

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