Our Mission


Our vision is for people with complex developmental disabilities to have significant relationships, access to full participation, and inclusive options in their communities, with quality supports.

Mission Statement

The mission of ABCD is to: 1) influence the development and implementation of public policy; and 2) support its members, in improving the lives of people with complex physical and neurological developmental disabilities so they can achieve the highest level of purpose and dignity.

Values Statement

ABCD is committed to empowering people with complex developmental disabilities through the advancement of beneficial public policy and successful supports. Our core values demonstrate that we are here to serve the best interests of the individuals and their families who do not always have a voice in the policy development process.

Achieving our mission is best reached through a combination of education, information, advocacy, interagency collaboration, and the supports provided by our member agencies, and is framed by the following core values:

  • Person-Centered Thinking
    Persons with complex developmental disabilities will continue to develop personal competencies, gain and maintain satisfying relationships, and have opportunities to fulfill valued roles and live with dignity.
  • Inclusion
    Individuals with complex developmental disabilities will be present and fully participate in community life.
  • Choice
    Persons with complex developmental disabilities will express preferences and make choices in everyday life.

We will continually use our values statement as a means of evaluating our own performance, focusing on revitalizing our commitment to our mission and vision.

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