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Last 15 commented on stories:
spacer  TDD on Lavazza gets pin-up ad banned in Sweden
spacer  TDD on Butterfly advertising? Let's hope not.
spacer  Hygge on Lux Provocateur- Calista (2006) 0:60 (Argentina)
spacer  shmulikber on Microsoft Zune - Eyes (2006) 0:45 (USA)
spacer  Robblink on Lavazza gets pin-up ad banned in Sweden
spacer  bennthewolfe on ACLC Toronto makes the invisible visible
spacer  bennthewolfe on Butterfly advertising? Let's hope not.
spacer  Neo on Nominate your favorite blog to the Battle of the ad Blogs
spacer  Dabitch on Nominate your favorite blog to the Battle of the ad Blogs
spacer  beadprincessk on Microsoft Zune - Eyes (2006) 0:45 (USA)
spacer  streeman2 on Microsoft Zune - Eyes (2006) 0:45 (USA)
spacer  dpovill on Is XBox paying homage to Apple or just ripping them off?
spacer  dpovill on Is XBox paying homage to Apple or just ripping them off?
spacer  silver3 on Heart Attack Grill
spacer  Dabitch on Nominate your favorite blog to the Battle of the ad Blogs

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spacer  BBDO Dsseldorf GmbH Gives Starb... [on werbeblogger]
spacer  Bishop's Finger - Buxom Maidens ... [on yesbutnobutyes]
spacer  Telia Minicall - Quiz Show - (19... [on]
spacer  Inquiry Regarding Potential Sale... [on psfk]
spacer  Proof the ad industry isn't all ... [on Adjab]
spacer  Football Resistance - Stop Racis... [on AdPulp]
spacer  Asa Bailey the one trick pony? [on viralmeister]
spacer  The Adland viral cartoon [on researcher]
spacer  The Adland viral cartoon [on viralmeister]
spacer  Lee trying the Calvin Klein kidd... [on Cheif Magazine]
spacer  Virals flying under the radar mi... [on EP // Experience Planner]
spacer  Kidman ad shoot pisses off Itali... [on Adpunch]
spacer  Top ten reasons we hate using st... [on Burns Auto Parts Blog]
spacer  Ben Affleck proves that Lynx / A... [on The Fiasco]
spacer  Ben Affleck proves that Lynx / A... [on AdScam]

random ad links out
spacer Adgrunts Blogs:
Crer de vritables connexions motionnelles avec la cible pour dvelopper un puissant bouche oreille en utilisant des supports et des oprations originales dans la rue et sur internet : guerrilla marketing, real life product placement, interaction One2one.', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Marketing Alternatif
spacer Portfolio pages:
LA based Art Directors sleek portfolio site.', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Scott Trattner
spacer Advertising Awards:
Canada\'s Broadcast Advertising Awards', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >The Bessies
spacer Portfolio pages:
spot editor , my demo site.', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >kvl editor
spacer Adgrunts Blogs:
This blog is an archive of the most interesting advertising campaigns based on viral, buzz & street marketing operations" It will also serve to unvail any topicality in these \'PRO-CREALLIGENT\' mediums. ENJOY!
', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Alt Buzz
spacer Fonts Fonts Fonts!:
Will\'s site features EsperFonto - a clever web-based way of finding the most apropriate font (suggestions) for any given job.', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Will Harris
spacer Illustrators & art:
Award-winning graphic design/illustration studio. Good stuff.', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Penny Lane Graphics
spacer Advertising Schools:
Marketing and design School in Stockholm, page is only in Swedish.', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Bergs School of Communication
spacer Collections of ads:
Great looking page, has a collection of cigarette ads so old that <B><I>"9 out of 10 doctors"</I></B> smoked them...
<BR><IMG src="/img/spacer.gif"> Don\'t miss the ad spoof <a class="">banners</a>', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >Truth in advertising
spacer Portfolio pages:
Commando is an advertising agency - or perhaps a creative network hub would be a good word for how they operate, but I do consider the webmaster and founder Wes to be an adpal,and the site is quite entertaining, have a look. ', RIGHT, FGCOLOR, '#FAF7EC', BGCOLOR, '#330000', CAPCOLOR, '#bb6600', WIDTH, 200, SNAPX, 30);" >
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Send in your reels! We'll be happy to include your work in the archive.

If you've done work worthy of being included in the commercial archive, brand-spankin' new or not-so-brand-spankin' new, send it on in and we'll add it to the collection!

Please be sure to include creative credits, (such as people involved, like agency, team, director and/or post house, music credits) year, country of release, and any interesting tidbits or trivia to add to the mix. The more information you send in on the creative, the more likely your ad will end up on the front page of Adland.
Do not send us youtube links of your work - send us your work! Thanks.

There's no fee (although you can donate to the bandwidth/equipment fund if you so choose), so just take care of the stamps/shipping and there ya go.

Via email:
Send your emails to the hostmaster at hostmaster at
We advise you to .sit or .zip the (.mov) film file before mailing. Keep in mind that we want our files to be at least 400 by 300 pixels large and .mov files.
Don't worry if you can not compress a file small and make it look nice at the same time - let us do that instead! Send a larger uncompressed file and we'll take care of it. Do not hold back on the videos size on our account - we want high quality. If it's too big to email, we'll fetch it at an FTP site or at - no problem. Cheers.

Fresh Ads: Don't be afraid to send us things before they air. We can/do/will hold off posting it until the date you specify.
Old Ads: Tell us when it aired/went to print and we'll include that in the post or backdate it (if it's several years old).

Spec work: Yes we accept spec work from budding directors and creative teams. It must be clearly labelled SPEC WORK though. We have a topic specifically for spec. Thanks.

Snail Mail:
In North America, send your work/reels (in one of the following formats: NTSC 1/2" (VHS) or 3/4" tape, DVD (unprotected, Region 1 - US/Canada), or as raw, uncompressed DV files on CD-R or DVD-R) and handy credits/tidbits to:

Clayton T. Claymore
KK, 505 East Main Ave, Suite 250
Bismarck, ND USA 58501

In Europe, send your PAL or NTSC VHS reels, or as raw, uncompressed DV files on CD-R or DVD-R and handy credits/tidbits to:

att: sk Wppling
Slussgatan 14:3
211 30 Malm

Fedex wants a phonenumber - give them this: 0707732248

If you're elsewhere in the world, choose from above. (NOTE: We are not currently accepting submissions from Antarctica due to their agencies' substandard treatment of penguin creatives.)

Take Note!
Obvious: No, we're not interested in trading a bunch of ads ripped or "borrowed" from other websites with anybody for any reason whatsoever. It's not at all legal. Homey don't play that, so please don't even ask. Thanks. :)
Important: Do not send us youtube links of your work - instead send us your work!!

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