Why we call them SignificantsTM

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Convene is summoning Christian CEOs, Presidents, and Business Owners seeking Success AND Significance – men and women who have the eyes to see the significance in their businesses and have a desire to grow both Kingdom and business profits.

Here are a few of the distinctives that set them apart:

They’re called to live in the significance they receive from God and they actively seek to extend that significance to all around them

We all have incredible value to God as evidenced by Jesus’ sacrifice and costly provision for our salvation. Significants seek to live in the reality of their worth to God, deepen their relationship with Him, and serve God by serving people.

They have unique insight

They see their business as both an engine for commerce and as a platform for serving others. They see God’s eternal purpose for work and are willing to innovate in their workplace to realize both business success and eternal rewards.

They demonstrate excellence and integrity in the pursuit of greater business success and profitability

They’re committed to building excellent companies that serve people, earn profits and create opportunity. Because of this, they attract and galvanize strong teams, build internal trust, and are esteemed in the marketplace.

They skillfully manage the tension between people and performance

God’s values don’t always align neatly with business trends and norms. Significants practice the ability to sustain relationships and revenue simultaneously.

They’ve redefined workforces

Significants see people in business as precious and valuable in God’s eyes. They embrace a stewardship responsibility for the people who are part of their business. They partner with God in His desire to develop people’s lives and meet their deepest needs.

They’re real people who deal with success and struggles, don’t have it all together and are intentional about growing

Knowing they’re accepted unconditionally because of Christ’s provision for them – and in an environment of safety and trust among their Convene TeamTM – they’re able to be real and authentic in their strengths and weaknesses, victories and struggles. They deal with reality while pursuing their dreams, and find the encouragement and wisdom to advance.

They’re legacy-minded

They want to position their families, business associates and future generations for success and eternal significance. They want to invest their time, talents and resources to achieve excellent business results and things beyond the bottom line. They want to leave a legacy of love and faithfulness.

Finally, they never lead alone

They believe the counsel and support of other like-minded leaders is instrumental to maintaining focus, managing risk, prioritizing people, balancing life, and pleasing God. They find one another. They draw strength and renew courage. Simply put… They Convene.

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7

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