Meditation Classes at Tilopa Centre

spacer Tilopa Kadampa Buddhist Centre was established in 1997 at the request of people living in Vancouver and offers an extensive program of meditation classes, study programs, special events and retreats.  The methods and practices taught at the centre are suitable for all individuals, whatever your level of interest. By following Buddha’s special advice, we can relax our mind, dissolve our pain and fear, and become of greater benefit to others.  We also offer weekly drop-in meditation classes around Metro Vancouver, in many locations: more info 

Tilopa Kadampa Buddhist Centre is a registered charity, run by volunteers.  All proceeds from our classes and special events go to the International Temples Project for World Peace.   

Tilopa Buddhist Centre

1829 Victoria Diversion
Vancouver BC
V5N 2K2
Tel: 604.221.2271 Email:

©2008 Tilopa Buddhist Centre. All rights reserved worldwide.
A member of the New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union.

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