Welcome to the home page for

The A Cappella Web Ring.

Special thanks to Tina O'Halloran for designing our really cool graphic.

Welcome to the A Cappella Web Ring. This web ring is to help bring together the contemporary a cappella community in the hopes of taking over the world, or at least advancing contemporary a cappella enough so that it will have its own section in your favorite music store.

Quite simply, the idea behind the A Cappella Web Ring is to link contemporary a cappella sites. If someone feels like visiting contemporary A Cappella web pages, but doesn't know (or care) which ones they want to see, they go to any site they know to have a Web Ring link (like this one). Clicking on the Web Ring link will take them to another contemporary a cappella site. That site will also have a web link that will take them to another contemporary a cappella related site.

I have narrowed the scope of this web ring to contemporary a cappella sites. If your site represents a different kind of a cappella music (Doo Wop, Barbershop, Choral, etc.) there are other web rings that would be appropriate for you.

Click Here to find other web rings that are more specific towards your genre.

The genre of Contemporary A Cappella generally includes Pop, Rock, and Jazz done by small groups of singers, generally without instrumental accompanyment (although some a cappella groups do occasionally use some percussion). Often this means covers of songs that have been played on popular radio stations since the 60's. Also included would be original songs or older songs arranged in a contemporary style.

I don't want to put a limit on the number of people in a group, but typically, groups of more than 20 people have a sound quality that puts them into the category of choral. While there may be exceptions (at the ringmasters disgression) if your site relates to a group larger than 20, you most likely belong in a choral web ring.

Update Feb 2009

Due to spam robots swamping the webring with several thousand submissions/day I have had to move the webring to the WebRing system. Until the transfer is complete, I'll include both the old links and the new ones on this page.

Here are the new links

Powered by WebRing.

And here are the old ones

This site is a member of the A Cappella Web Ring.
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The A Cappella Web Ring / Webmaster@LRF.NET / revised October 2, 2000 is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.