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Damien's Blog

November Report - 1
October Report
Flood of bug reports
Ekiga 2.0.3
Long week-end of work
Ducasse and Ekiga
5 years of Open Source Voice over IP
GUADEC: I want a new laptop!
Ekiga 2.0.2
Long time, no see


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What is ekiga?

Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME. Ekiga uses both the H.323 and SIP protocols. It supports many audio and video codecs, and is interoperable with other SIP compliant software and also with Microsoft NetMeeting.

To get started: Download Ekiga for your distribution and get a free SIP-Address at

All in all: Free your speech.

NewsOur latest information - for you.

Ekiga 2.0.3 released 2006-10-09, Damien Sandras

Ekiga 2.0.3 has finally been released with GNOME 2.16. You can find packages at the usual location.
Here is the list of changes:



5 Years of Ekiga 2006-07-02, Damien Sandras

Happy birthday to the Ekiga project. If you want to read some history about the project, please consult my blog.

Ekiga 2.0.2 released 2006-06-05, Damien Sandras

After several weeks of hard work, we are pleased to announce Ekiga 2.0.2. This release only includes bug fixes and updated translations. Thanks to all the people involved in this release!
Important notice: ALSA 1.0.11 has a critical bug that makes Ekiga crash. That bug is fixed in recent releases of ALSA. If you experience that bug, please upgrade or downgrade.
You can download the 2.0.2 release at the usual location.
Here is the list of changes:


Ekiga WIN32:
SIP support:H.323 support:Devices:

LDAP Server Back 2006-04-02, Damien Sandras

I have hacked a new back-end tonight so that the LDAP server efficiently looks in the users databases. You probably noticed a small number of results when browsing the "Ekiga White Pages". That was due to the inefficiency of the OpenLDAP MySQL back-end when it comes to big table. The problem is now fixed, and you should be able to do simple searches on online and offline users using the LDAP browser in the Ekiga address book.

Ekiga for 100 dollars 2006-04-01, Damien Sandras

The following news was the traditional 1st April Fool! Ekiga will stay Open Source...
Ekiga 2.00 was released 2 weeks ago and the release went fine and was successful. However, after 5 years of work on the project, I begin feeling tired of it. Developing an Open Source project means making people happy, but it also means offering your time for free, and a big part of the users does not understand that. I am talking about those who criticized the new name, but were away when I asked for propositions of names which did not exist yet. I am also talking about those who are asking for new features, after 1 year of work on SIP, just like if we were paid to do this.

All those things make sick of Open Source development, so I decided to stop developing Open Source software and only work for money. Yes, I have to live, I am now married, and I have a family to feed.

Ekiga 2.2 will have SIP presence features and will be downloadable for 100 dollars. However, those of you who will susbscribe to the mailing list and show their support to the project will get a free version of the 2.2 release.

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