best way to get your ex boyfriend back

Posted on by AJ Paddington

Getting your ex back is not always the right thing for you, and the sooner you realize this, the better. Some people spend way too long in their lives pinning after someone who has moved on and is getting on with their lives. It does not do you any good, and is delaying your own happiness.


There is nothing more humiliating for someone than for them to be spending their time and emotional energy trying to win back their ex boyfriend only to discover that he has been seeing someone else. There are countless advice columns with articles on how to get back your ex boyfriend , but to me these seem a little desperate and needy.

You need to realize that you are worth more than second place in the eyes of a guy who no longer wants to be with you. The slow and painful humiliation of chasing ‘that’ guy, who has already moved on and is showing little regard for you past involvement, is not good for you.

I experienced a similar thing, and after a long time I realized that I was not going to be able to get my ex back. By this time, I had become extremely depressed and disillusioned with things, thinking that there must be something wrong with me if he doesn’t want me. This was totally wrong; the truth was that he had the problem.

Therefore, if you are sat there reading articles on how to get my ex back; maybe you should stop reading, look in the mirror and ask yourself if he is worth it. If the answer is no, which it probably is, then it is time to pick yourself up and move on. There are plenty of people out there who will want to be with you, and treat you the way you deserve.

Posted in All Writing | Tagged get your ex back, get your ex bf back

Face to face meeting advice

Posted on by AJ Paddington

Once you have found one of the top rated dating sites, you fill out your personal information, upload a photograph of yourself and you are ready for online dating. Seems easy enough, right? What do you do, though, when it comes time to meet the person face to face? So far, you have only been communicating through emailing and chat services. Once things have started progressing and you would like to get to meet in real time, how should you go about doing it for the first time?

Although online dating does involve meeting in a virtual world, you need to be ready to speak with a potential mate in person and live. this isn’t the case on top affair websites because unfaithful people suck and they are always scared of being caught!

Since email is one dimensional, you never get to see or hear the other person’s quirks, attitude, facial expressions, laugh, voice and so on. You also do not know if they are being honest with you and by chatting in real time, you will be able to sense hesitation or if they seem sneaky and shady.

To make the process of speaking for the first time a little easier, schedule a phone call together and spend some time on the phone. If you are concerned about giving out your personal information at this point, have your number blocked before you call or give the person a phone booth number and have them call you on that. You can also use Skype to protect your confidentiality and privacy or use one of the list of places to meet women online that offer secure voice and video chat services right their monitored system.

It is always a good safety measure to chat with someone in real time and hear their voice and how they act. If you just follow your instincts and go with what your intuition tells you, things will be fine. Do not be afraid when it comes time for this step because online dating is a lot of fun and could lead to great things.

Posted in All Writing, Info

Online dating has revolutionized relationships!

Posted on by AJ Paddington

Online dating has revolutionized relationships. Along with the good comes some bad. The ability to get to know people in a virtual world enables instantaneous communication, photo sharing, audio and video exchanges. Unfortunately, the majority of the communication is one on one in a sensory deprived setting, so major aspects of coupledom are missing from the equation. How does he behave around her friends? How does she react to hosting a Super Bowl party? Does she have an obsession with scented candles or does he have to have the TV on to fall asleep?

A face-to-face relationship can feel out these issues in the early stages of relationship formation. Online relationships have the ability to cover great distances. While they may be able to talk about extremely intimate and serious issues and move forward quickly in some areas, relationship issues affected by proximity may slip by the wayside. A person looking for love online will share their qualities and concerns as a partner, but might forget to mention that they cook curry food three nights a week. Therefore, when they are matched with a person with allergies, they may not realize how incompatible they are until they are already deeply entwined in the virtual relationship.

Online relationships offer intriguing and appealing opportunities. However, considerations regarding the limitations of the online platform are necessary.

Posted in Funny

Communication Keeps Your Relationship Strong

Posted on by AJ Paddington

Everybody wants to have a great relationship. Unfortunately many people seem to have trouble keeping their relationships strong, and what seems like a great match can crumble overnight. One thing more people need to understand is that almost all relationship problems boil down to bad communication.

If you are looking to improve the communication in your relationship, the easiest way to start is to talk. This may sound silly, but it’s true. Talking to your partner about your communication is the beginning of good connection. Tell them that you want to understand them and that you are always willing to listen if they have an issue they want to talk about. If they are willing to give you the same in return, this is a great start.

You should never be afraid to speak your mind in a relationship, but some ways of doing it are better than others. If there is something you are upset about, bringing it up in front of friends or family is not the way to deal with it. This will only cause your partner to be hurt, embarrassed, and shut you out. Wait until you can have a private discussion. Also, waiting for awhile to bring it up is often a good idea. This way if the issue really isn’t worth fighting over, you will have a chance to calm down and realize that. The less pointless arguments you have, the better your communication will stay.

A big part of communicating that many people miss is listening. Really listening to what your partner is saying without interrupting or being distracted is one of the very best things you can do. If you partner knows they have your attention and you are listening, they will never harbor feelings of resentment over this. Take time to focus on them and listen.

With good communication you can make a relationship strong. It can mean the difference between an ugly, hurtful end, and a relationship that lasts for a lifetime.

Posted in Info