Look to Nature ….

October 31st, 2011


This mornings sunrise

I awoke moments ago to crisp clear morning.  Sitting here overlooking the land I am filled with gratitude for our new home and all that brought me here.  I’ve had to allow all that was out of balance within me to be seen and acknowledged through the act of change in order to find myself here now. I’ve been sharing much this year with you all about my experience of change, manifestation and love.  All of which live as vibration becoming form.  Simple physics. Energetics.  Alchemy.

I am aware of how complex we sometimes want things to be.  How staying in confusion, fear or pain seems somehow easier.  It’s not. We are masterful at tricking ourselves into staying in the quagmire where things are really sticky convincing ourselves that to risk the discomfort of change is too much. It’s not. It’s natural.  Going against our nature and our hearts truest desire is what creates our discomfort and pain.  Today I ask you, “What  is your heart asking of you?” …… and….. “What are you willing to risk to listen and act on your hearts desire?”

Anytime I get confused, afraid or stuck in old patterns, I look to nature as she has become my most revered teacher.  Continually, I seek depth and connection to the cycles of nature, and the way life takes form in flow.  I am learning to “BE” this way.  I believe in the truest sense of BEING, we self-initiate the aspects of ourselves wanting and yearning for healing. The cycles of nature and the new moon always remind me that there is a young and fertile force in all of us which lends a quickening of new life and new beginnings.  It only asks we be willing to acknowledge the stirrings of what is ready to die in the compost of what we are dropping, and align in the potency of right action.

So where are you now? I would love to hear from you.  As I sit here now, the sun is rising over the eastern ridge and the birds are singing a morning song.  I love the fall.  It is my favorite time of year.  I love feeling the changing in the seasons, as through it she reminds me of the chance to start yet again. Attuning to the cycles of the Moon and the Earth as she lives both within and without has become my greatest form of worship and devotion.

We are in a powerful cycle with a new moon and an autumn harvest.  Sit with this today.  Slow down today and let your awareness feel the darkening of daylight and this evening the night sky. Notice the deeper golden essence in the sun today.  Autumn is the time for long term planning and nurturing. In nature, old growth organically drops to become a rich mulch for new life. In the garden we prune so the plants and trees can consolidate their strength for the winter making way for good growth in the spring.  What can we learn from her?

I say make at least one decision today about what you want to cut back and what you want to strengthen.  Look to what is ready for pruning and see yourself cutting free of those patterns with appreciation for all the lessons they have taught you. It may be a person, a pattern, a condition or belief you’re needing to shed. The seeds of ideas and the seeds of hope you plant now will re-emerge in the spring strengthened by their time in the dark and stabilized by their roots.

Change is sometimes most difficult because it almost always affects those we love. This is how we grow, learn and strengthen our awareness of what is real.  Let us live the example of what is real.  Whatever that is for you….seek it.  Honor it with your truth.  The old paradigm of martyrdom, sacrifice and pain is exactly that.  Old.  The children are demanding a different way.

You want more life?  Simple Alchemy.  Play.  Play and Pray.  Live AS devotion.  Bathe in the vibration of what you are dreaming into form. Share yourself more generously.  Love yourself more gently.  FEEL EVERYTHING….. We are Creators.  This you know.

Visit our website www.alchemyoftheheart.net to explore more. Come visit me!!



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Manifesting in Trust….

September 4th, 2011


Listen to this Post Here


I pray this finds you full from a fruitful summer!! Mine has been a whirlwind!  I’ve been thinking a great deal lately about what it is to Manifest. I have been told by many of my seemingly natural capacity for manifestation.  And true; it is a realm I’ve navigated from comfortably for as far back as I can remember.  My ability to manifest has recently put me in a unique position as we are in escrow on a home here in Laguna Beach that is the potential of a vision I’ve been holding for a long time.  A place for community to gather and share love, food and ceremony.  A place our children can immerse in the cultivation of future, sustainability and tribe. And it is pushing all of my buttons!

I was one of those children you’d expect to see on a farm.  Bare, dirty feet. Ratty hair.  Stained dress.  Dark, inquisitive stare and a mischievous grin.  The androgynous nature of my childhood in balance. I knew who I was.  I was awake. And I always knew I’d be just fine.  I was gonna make sure of it.  And so I did. In both shadow and light, my late adolescent to now adult life has functioned at a high ratio of independence.

Clearly, independence requires manifestation as a basic survival principle. That’s a good thing, right …….? ..hmmm…

About fifteen months ago my life changed.  Again.  (noticing a theme here, ha!). I met Andrew and my heart cracked open.  Since then, our love has had us both riding the scree of healing waters.  Healing equates to Consciousness.  And consciousness, whilst moving us toward ascension requires us to descend at the same time. Deepening to depth.  The balance of light and shadow looks like a concurrent upward and downward energetic spiral meeting in the middle.  And the higher we go into one realm we go equally deep into the other. The art of alchemy occurs in the collapsing and dissolving of both into one another. My recent manifestations are requiring me to trust that not only “I”, but “We” are worth betting on.

I’m having to let go the shadow side of my independence. I’m having to trust I don’t have to “do it all”.  Every touch point of life is RIGHT NOW being alchemized in some form of change.  Although having a strong man at my back has me willing to trust, this does not mean I know how. This is unchartered terrain for my heart. Thankfully, I’m learning to love and learning to let down my guard to trust. Having to trust means allowing others in.  Allowing the universe in.

Manifestation occurs as that residing on the inner realm emerging to that of the outer.  Essence becomes form. Simple as that.  When we are not willing to see who we really are, we block our abilities to manifest clearly, instead creating chaos and confusion.

The alchemical qualities of the waters we immerse in dictate the degree we are “all clear” to create in accordance with our sovereignty.  These days I’ve been immersed in love and lately I feel I am manifesting on overdrive.  Relationships healed and healing. Dreams becoming my reality. And here again this diggin-in-the-dirt compulsion of mine has me right up against some deep shit. (I no longer say “the deepest” as every time I think I’ve hit the bottom I find more diggin’ room. ha ha….I love the humorous universe!)

The blessings I have been showered with in this life far surpass my traumas.  Not a day goes by that I don’t bless myself, the Earth, and Father/Mother God Spirit, and my family.  I trust, and yet I am aware that I am poised at the brink of a tremendous healing. The constructs that had me so fiercely independent my entire adult life (ie: “in control”) are melting like the icecaps at my feet.  I am having to trust the masculine.  Trust the man in my life.  Trust the men in my life.  Trust the boys.  Trust the women.  Trust.  Trust anyone.  Trust everyone. Trust Myself.

This may be the second time in my life I remember every feeling really afraid.  An aspect of me is terrified.  And yet another sits; legs dangling over a brick wall thinking “Really? You’ve been asking for all of what is being put before you.  And you’re scared? Who are you?”

Gratefully I grasp the knowledge of what is being thrown into relief. In order to let in, I have to let down.  I am having to walk my talk again. and again. and again. Reminding myself that it was me who said we must choose and re-choose again and again, love vs. fear.  I am standing, my karma before me in a condensed rubber ball.  I say again my mantra, “Yes, I am willing”.

I was visited by Joan of Arc last night.  She too had to trust the men at her back.  She spoke to me in length about faith.  She told me it takes courage to experience ourselves as immersed in the alchemical wisdom of our Christ Consciousness and likeness.  She said that those who come weepy and broken enter into the kingdom in humility and purity.  That inheriting eyes to see comes from a pure heart and a pure desire for what is REAL. Initiations happen through seeing.

So thinking more of manifestation; what if we let go of illusory aspects of ourselves (our fears, and all that stops us), NOW? Can we accelerate the manifestation of wisdom???

I say yes. I say this is where the alchemy resides.  It’s so simple really.  In the process of loving, forgiving and trusting ourselves, we melt away the imprints of karma, lineage and trauma.  We free the space for nature to populate our pure intelligence. It is beautiful and it is natural.  It asks only that we be wiling to “ante up”.  Put some “skin in the game”.  Our courage.  Our willingness.  There is no margin of expectation or judgment here. Just nature.

Is it coincidence how being in nature has us simply feel good?  I think of Mother Earth’s intelligence.  It’s no wonder she calls us to cultivate the soil.  To plant seeds and rejoice in the harvest!  The bounty is the reward.  We are worth it.  We are worthy.

What about you? Are you a manifestor too? Are you worthy?

I say YES!

Visit my website www.alchemyoftheheart.net to explore more. Come visit me.  She is speaking and has much to share!

In Love and Bounty, Carrie



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One Circle….

August 16th, 2011
Dear Friends,

I hope and pray that you are well as we bring summer to an end. It’s amazing how much can happen in a few months time. On the Medicine Wheel Summer is the time of the child. We are born in Spring as infants and then move to Summer as a child before we go the the West as an Adolescent and the North as an Adult.

It is a beautiful time for us to reflect on our lives. We all have “issues” around our childhood that we work on and heal from. It’s also important to look at the good things from our past. What was happy, beautiful, curious and joyful? How can we still embody the positive aspect of the child in a healthy way now to enhance our lives? Remembering that every day we wake up is a opportunity to start our life over is one way. As they say “Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery”. Being grateful for each day of life we are given can allow us to fully live in the gift of that day.

I have been blessed to have my children living with me now. Our home is full of energy love and lots of laughter. It has made my heart happy to see life thru their eyes for the past few months and that is why I am reminding you to do the same. We are enjoying every minute before school starts in a couple of weeks.

I am happy to say that we will begin holding monthly sweat lodges for the community beginning in September. Our lodge is still in Santa Barbara for now however We hope to have a location in Laguna Beach by October. Please send prayers for our space to come. This space will allow Carrie and I to hold regular gatherings, sweats, healing circles and weekend retreats.

During this time when there are so many spiritual seekers there may be a tendency to align with one circle or another. There are Yoga circles, Pacha Mama circles, Breathing circles and many others that can cause us to be separate from each other.

Take time to step back, pull away from all the circles until you are out into space. When you look back, you will see one circle….. that is our mother earth. The one circle that we all belong to.

Peace and Love,

Andrew Soliz



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June 9th, 2011


Whew….It feels like its been a long while since I’ve been in communication with you all! You may want to settle in for this one as I feel there is a lot I have to share today!!!

The past several months have been very full….In April we journeyed with a group of twelve pure souls to Bali, shared teachings of spirit with Corporate Communications Leaders from around the globe in Las Vegas, and completed May in my favorite retreat with the “tribe” in Ojai over Memorial weekend.  Between then and now, I’ve circled ’round the sun again turning 47….AND….Andrew and I have merged our families into one BIG happy family !!

Life has been intense for many…..and I am NO exception.  My life is unrecognizable from what it was just one, two, or three years ago.  One of the most profound “knowings” I have received is this: when we really get behind trusting spirits intelligence beyond our own, we are held in a state of Grace. One that reveals the truths of who we really are.  So I ask you…  “Have you let go? Are you ready to trust? Are you willing to be free?”

My thirst runs deep and when I recently said “YES” to whatever remained that wanted to change, transform, and grow in the fertile ground of my existence, I had no idea the blessings change would bring into my life.

I celebrated my 47th birthday last weekend with Peter Gabriel at the Santa Barbara Bowl. And what an amazing show it was….it showed me so much!

During the show, I had a profound realization.  When I hung my shingle as “Alchemy of the Heart”, I put something in motion that I didn’t fully understand at the time.  You see, we are ALWAYS exchanging our energy with spirit and all that is.  When I declared myself an “Alchemist”, I didn’t realize at the time that I invited Spirit to show me the Alchemists Way…..I entered into the real classroom.

The Alchemist way is one of expansion – opening through vibration NEW FORM.  I believe this is what we are being asked to learn about and what this “shift” we are experiencing is all about.

If any of you were at that show, you probably saw us.  I was the woman dancing in the 4th row that was asked by security several times to sit down or leave.  I was in shock. People were shouting at me with a mob-like mentality. Here I was, exchanging my devotion and respect for this Artist who is truly a Master of Energy….a modern day Alchemist. As I looked about I saw rows and rows of people sitting in such density.  Uptight, Controlled, Stuffy, Rigid, Proper and seemingly AFRAID to move their bodies! It was so tangible, at one point Peter actually spoke to the “remarkable control the crowd was exhibiting”.  Needless to say, I did not stop dancing.  I got in that moment that somehow my dancing was creating an energy that wanted to be expanded, explored, and engaged with.  I stayed clear and continued on from my seat and my feet.  Peter and I shared an exchange of awareness and energy and information. An un-mistakable connection…. we were communicating telepathically and I was hearing the message underneath his words about the alchemy he was working with and the alchemical exchange in why I had to keep dancing.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the exchange of energy I experienced that night, specifically what it showed me about the collective “controlled resistance” present in the mass consciousness of that particular group, as this was only a microcosmic glimpse of the whole of humanity. I saw the literal dam that is wanting to break and the constructs of control desperately attempting to hold it in place. God forbid we actually “Let GO” and allow ourselves to expand!!

This has me contemplating the importance of ritualistic, devotional dance.  Think about it, every culture at one point in time practiced ritual dance.  Why do we suppose that was? I’m clear that there is great mystery and mystical “knowings” that are unlocked through this specific act of devotion.  My body moved in ways it never moved before.  It’s natural intelligence was showing me an ancient form of Alchemy…..most certainly why the act created such a charge around me.  We must move our bodies.  There is an intelligence wanting to awaken through our Bodies.  An ancient wisdom of a particular flavor that I believe only awakens through the physical form.  Why do so many walk around not truly “embody-ing” the physical form?  Why do so many not allow space for unfamiliar and glorious gyrations of movement in the body?  Why do we resist that which wants to open in us?

Ancient cultures knew of these mysteries and somewhere along the way we went into a collective slumber, wiping from us these memories.  But they ARE stirring…and the whispering is getting louder.  How do we attune to the listening? By raising our vibrational frequency.  All matter exists in vibration and we are no different.  Moving more energy through the body activates and actuates change. I believe the wisdom of all time exists in vibrational fields of frequency.  And like a key in a lock, when our frequency raises we begin to match certain fields wherein knowledge resides.  The only question really is “Am I a YES?”

Many of us are experiencing physical changes that I believe are part of an ascension cycle.  Science is discovering significant changes at the level of DNA, particularly in children being born with an extra strand of DNA.  It has been written that Jesus had 12 strands of DNA activated and that we have an additional 10 “etheric DNA strands” waiting for activation.

I believe we are being prepared to move more vibration and light frequencies through our physical form.  I’m willing to propose that we are in the midst of the most significant leap in human evolution since we began to walk upright.  I don’t know anyone who would deny we are experiencing some sort of  “acceleration”. The Earth’s field is in fact speeding up and we exist within this field so it makes sense that our field too is accelerating.  Perhaps this is how we will move from the density of this 3rd dimension to the more expansive energies waiting for us in the 4th.  As I see it, this “Shift” is a process of liberation.  We are shedding the shackles of hundreds of years of this collective slumber.  We’re being shown openings to experience our expansion in power vs. force.

As I see it the work to do is to live fully in committed action to expand vibration and awareness.  To choose not to be stopped in egoic fear or controlled resistance, but to allow those aspects to come along for the ride until they’ve been humbled into acts of service to spirit.

The most visceral experience I’ve known on my journey is the time I witnessed my ego literally bow down in service to my spirit.

We are not meant to “Kill the Ego”.  In doing the work of Spirit, the ego actually learns to bow to the sovereignty of Spirit and fills with the essence of purpose vs. scarcity.

This all may sound complex, and in fact we are a complex piece of universal structure; but the truth is really very simple. We’re meant to love, feel full, laugh, play and share