Welcome to the Wedgwood Neighborhood Association

A bit of explaination when using the navigation menu above.
President’s Corner” our president will keep you informed of current news.
Yard of the Month” be sure to nominate an address for our monthly recognized yard.
All Emails” will open every post made by the Association beginning with the latest.
Contact Us” is a form which you can use to contact the Association officers.
Association” provides all the information about our association and it’s leadership.
Calendar” will have all of the scheduled meetings and dates for special activities.
FWPD” gives you our Police information and access details to our NPO.
Gas Lease” we will post information about oil or gas in our neighborhood.
FAQ” here are some general questions and answers for our neighborhood.
spacer Yard of the Month! (read more)
We now have some wonderful volunteers scouring the neighborhood to find yards that deserve recognition. Do you have a residence or business to nominate?
Click here and send an email to our YOTM volunteers!.

Suspicious Behavior or Crime – After reporting any suspicious behavior or crimes to the police department, be sure to share with us so we can disseminate the information to our neighborhood.

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