instigators and collaborators

Because art and life are social activities, based on association and reference, I have more collaborators than I know. I’ll try to list some who are close to me, who I work with regularly, or who have continued to inspire me in what I do.

I am lucky to be surrounded by several overlapping communities of artists and ongoing collaborators: Julie Rada, Kenny Storms, Dan Eisenstat, Aaron Liechty, Sondra Eby, Jacob Liechty, Carl Meyer, Jonny Gerig Meyer, Brandi Homan, Chris Eppstein and so on. Together in various combinations (and with others) we are Vicious Trap, OddBird, Teacup Gorilla, Compass, a writers group and good friends.

But I only got here with the inspiration and guidance of many others: Bruce Hostetler, Chris Wallace, Dave Nofsinger, Dan Eash, Suzanne Ehst, Mary Beechy, Ben Friesen, Diana Phillips, Michelle Milne, Brian Falcon, Jerry Peters, Eric Kanagy, Brian Freeland and many others. Together we have been teacher and student, close friends, New World Arts, Fetus Films, Countdown to Zero and The LIDA Project.

And there are the inspirations I have never worked with, but who’s work and philosophy I lean on (and borrow from) regularly: Charles Mee Jr., the SITI Company with Ann Bogart and Tadashi Suzuki, Eddie Izzard, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Julie Taymor, Tom Waits, CocoRosie, Andy Clarke, Twisty Faster, The Velvet Underground, (the other) Eric A. Meyer, Lawrence Lessig, Miranda July, Douglas Hofstadter, Sappho, Fuerza Bruta, John Cage, Maira Kalman, Seth Godin, Jeff Scher and so on.