Dr Nicholas Beecroft explores the future of Western Civilisation


Posted On: February 7, 2010


22. Herb Meyer’s Intelligence Briefing: Defending Western Civilisation

21. Peggy Holman: Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity

20. Neil Howe predicts the Future with Generational Theory 

19. Don Beck: The Master Code that Shapes Individuals, Designs Organisations & Transforms Societies

18. The Evolutionary Future of Us British- Chris Parish- Optimistic Patriotism for Integral, Enlightened Liberals

17. Catalyzing the Second Renaissance- Dr Robin Wood

16. Caring for Care Homes- A Transformational Culture Change

15. Andrew Cohen on Evolutionary Enlightenment

14. Howard Bloom- Inspiring Western Civilisation to thrive!

13. Traci Fenton Interview- Democratic Organisational Culture

12. Elisabet Sahtouris Interview on the Universe as a Living System

11. Jim Garrison interview: Re-integrating Wisdom into our way of life

10. Mary Gentile on the Giving Voice to Values Programme

9. Lynne McTaggart on The Bond and The Field which connects us all

8. Martin Rutte on his Project Heaven on Earth

7. Joseph McCormick interviewed on Transpartisan Politics.

6. The Future of Capitalism- Jon Freeman interviewed on his 11/11/11 Manifesto

5. Remembrance and Patriotism 2011. 

4. John Bunzl on SIMPOL- Simultaneous, Grass-roots, Global Policy-making.

3. Occupy Wall Street”- London. What’s their positive vision for the future?

2. Cultural Evolution towards a Living System- Beecroft

1. British Patriotism- A Ugandan Perspective


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