

The world has changed...forever. Economic trends and technological shifts have made it harder than ever for Small Businesses to be successful. There was a day that a few well placed local advertisements and good customer service would provide you with the volume of business you wanted. But not today. While advertising is as important as ever, now Small Businesses have to contend with customers...current and potential...talking about their experiences with a business.....the good and the bad.


How does a Small Business track everything that is be said, written or "tweeted" about them? Simple. Contact abSRDity. We track over 8000 Internet Sites to provide you a monthly summary of what people are saying about your business. That information is the key to improving your Online Reputation.


We help your business grow with Strategy Development, Marketing Plan Analysis, Sales Channels Optimization, and Online Reputation Management. Contact us today for more information.
abSRDity specializes in managing your brand in today’s social media world. Our Online Reputation Management services help you manage your business' word of mouth on the internet.
We will monitor over 8000 online sources including Citysearch, Facebook and Twitter as well as local blogs and forums for mentions of your business. Request a consultation today.
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