Developing Software
The Erk's Werks Way
You know what you want and at Erk's Werks we can make it happen! Every application we make is custom designed to meet your needs. That means that you don't have to change the process to fit the application because we will change the application to fit your process.

This is achieved by following a few simple steps:
  1. Determine all the project's requirements
  2. Develop a project plan which will meet all the requirements
  3. Demonstrate the software at milestone points (as defined in the plan)
  4. Testing/training period
During any of these steps, we can see if any changes are necessary and if so, take the appropriate actions.

At Erk's Werks, we develop custom software for you because with your ideas and our knowledge we can achieve anything!
We develop software for you!

1. Turning your ideas into reality
2. Building applications to help your business

1. Bringing your Ideas to Life
If you have an idea for an application or a website, we can develop it for you.

We're here to help you reach your goals, whether it be to make money selling an application or to build a personal website.

Who knows, your idea could very well be the next big money maker!

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2. Meeting your Business Needs
Can something you do every day become easier?
We can simplify processes, minimize data duplication and possibly automate the entire process.

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Erk's Werks Custom Software and Web Design

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