
Ear Contouring

If you are bothered by your protruding or disfigured ears, you may want to consider otoplasty, also known as ears surgery, to improve the shape, position, or proportion of your ear. Otoplasty can also correct a defect in the ear structure you were born with, or it can treat misshapen ears caused by injury.

Ear surgery creates a natural shape while bringing balance and proportion to your ears and face. It can treat overly large ears, protruding ears, and adult dissatisfaction with previous ear surgeries. At LaserPro Cosmetic, we can help you correct your minor or major deformities, giving you profound benefits to your appearance.

Who is a good candidate for ear contouring?

A good candidate would be one who is in good health and seeks a physical improvement with their ears. Those who typically would consider ear contouring has oversized ears, would like amore natural shape, reshape a large ear, reduce unnatural angles or anything else along those lines.

How long is the procedure?

The length of the procedure varies on what the patient wants to achieve. Ear contouring is a relatively simple procedure which may take anywhere from one to two hours.

Is the procedure painful?

All of our surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia. Although pain tolerance depends on the patient, Dr. Vu properly injects anesthetics to provide patients with minimal pain and discomfort.

I’m interested – What do I do next?

Call us at 626-329-4555 to schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns with our knowledgeable staff. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.