Sporadic Nonsense

The Daily Sporadic Musings Of Shawn Grimes

A “Bit” of a new logo.

Saturday, March 31st, 2007

spacer Well I have been working long hours and sleepless nights trying to come up with an original logo for Sporadic Nonsense, and the just last night, BOOM! it hit me. I present you the new Sporadic Nonsense logo. I wanted something with a “simple” shape and with a “bit” of class while still holding onto what the original logo had. I think it came together nicely don’t you?

The colors are a “bit” brighter than the rest of the site, but that’s ok I think it gives things a little “bit” of pop! Now, where did I put that Apple logo I was working on….

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SXSW sucked.

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007


I don’t even know where to begin or how I could possibly talk about it all, but SXSW was the most fun I’ve had in a really really long time. I really didn’t know what to expect being that it was first time to the festival but I will tell you this. It bypassed my expectations.

The panels were pretty good, some could have been better, some could have been longer, but overall the ones that I attended were interesting and I walked away with some good nuggets of info to say the least. The thing I like the most though about SXSW would have to be the people. I met some really great people at SXSW, maybe you’ve heard of a few them such as Dan Cederholm, Jonathan Snook, Bryan Veloso, Jeff Croft, Nathan Smith, Steve Smith, and Erik Sagen just to name a few. I met so many people from the web world I can hardly believe it. It was very inspiring to see and meet mostly all the people that I read on the interweb. The after hours is where it’s at when going to SXSW that is for sure. Meeting and talking with my peers refueled me a bit and has got some ideas brewing in the old noggin as well. Stay tuned.

I took some photos (not as many as I would have liked) and they can be found here. Also my buddy and SXSW partner in crime David Hemphill wrote a little article with some first timer tips for the festival. So go check that out as well it may save you a bit of frustration and quite possibly save you from being called out by a javascript guru (great success!). It was indeed a sexy time!!!

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Virb Invites

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

Update #3: Inviites are all gone. Thanks for stopping by guys. Enjoy your invites!

Update #2: I just received 10 more invites to hand out, so as before, leave a comment with a valid email and you got yourself a VIRB invite!

Update: Sorry guys, all my invitations have been sent out. If I get more, I’ll post back again. To everyone who got one, enjoy VIRB!

It is that time again here at the Nonsense, to spread around some invite love. This time it is for a new “social” site that combines music (like last.fm), blogging, and photos (like flickr) all in one extremely well crafted interface. The service is VIRB. The makers are the same group of talented individuals that brought you PureVolume. It is highly customizable (no hacks required like Myspace) so you can personalize your page to your liking, join groups, find friends, et cetera. Sound like something you’d be into? Well your in luck! I have 18 invites up for grabs and the first 18 people who comment with a valid email address will get em. Be patient though, all my comments go into moderation and it may take me a bit to get the invite out. So, happy commenting!


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Weird Foods

Saturday, February 3rd, 2007

There comes a time in every persons life where possibly their significant other asks the question, “How the hell can you even eat that?”. Have you ever been asked this question? What were you eating at the time? In my case it is for a very special sandwich my Grandma used to make for me as a kid. I was craving something different yet familiar the other evening and that sandwich is what came to mind. It consists of Peanut Butter, Bologna, and one slice of Kraft Cheese. Man, I can hear all the ewwws and yucks from here! It is a killer sandwich I shit you not!

I tried and tried to get my wife to take one little tiny bite of the sandwich but to no avail. She even stated that it made her sick to her stomach just thinking about it. Ha! I sat there and ate my little sandwich from heaven and started thinking about foods she eats that are weird too. The weirdest I’ve seen her eat is Peanut Butter on a Blueberry Bagel (and she wasn’t even pregnant). Now the difference here is I actually tried her little snack and ended up liking it. Will she return the trust and humor me just a little, heh, hell no she says. Oh well, you win some and you lose some. What is something weird you eat and who has told you how gross you are for eating it?

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Clean Archives 2.1

Saturday, January 27th, 2007

Just a quick update to the Clean Archives plug-in fixing the issue of “Pages” appearing in the archives list after upgrading to WordPress 2.1.

This version should work just fine with WordPress versions 2.1 and older. Thanks go out to Mark Jaquith of Tempus Fugit for helping track down what was causing this little bug to surface after upgrading. Thanks again Mark.

Download Clean Archives 2.1

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