The world is very big. Billions of people call it home.

And it is also very small. We are connected to those billions of people now more than ever. We are connected through technologies, economies and even devastations (as we have seen with earthquakes in Haiti and Japan in the recent years.) We have seen that even in the hardest of times, humanity is connected through a love for one another that rises above race, gender, war and destruction. It’s sometimes in those difficult times that it becomes easiest to set aside the “us” versus “them” mentality – we see ourselves in their shoes, we recognize that we are the same – that we are one.

Since we are connected by this love, since humanity is one, we share in the same story. Which means that when almost 1 billion people go without clean water, “their” story is our story.

(produced by Living Water International)

How can you help?

Together we can make a difference in the lives of people all over the world. Would you consider donating money, time and/or energy to raising money to drill wells for people who need clean water? Head over to the “get involved” page or click here to donate now.