Toggle Buttons Have Arrived

Posted on January 5, 2012 by Optimus Prime

Toggle Buttons are usually found in word processors, for example bold, italic, underline is a set consisting of 3 buttons enabling the user to select multiple selection. An example for single selection is the left, center, right and justify alignment.


PrimeFaces Toggle Buttons provide the same functionality to select binary, one or many options similar to selectBooleanCheckbox, selectOneRadio and selectManyCheckbox components.


These components are actually quite stable and already being tested/used in production by us for one our client’s applications. They were created when 3.0 went RC so we have decided to include them in 3.1 and now would like to share them with the PrimeFaces Community.

Check out PrimeFaces Labs to see the toggle buttons in action!

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3 thoughts on “Toggle Buttons Have Arrived

  1. spacer dhrubo on said:

    This was long overdue having seen this component in jquery ui.
    Now that there is sheet, calendar, rich text editor, calendar would love to see one for presentation spacer

  2. spacer m on said:

    I don’t see 3.1 being available in maven repo, where can i find it? I want to use these components.

    pretty please spacer


  3. spacer fiorenzo on said:

    good work!

    When we will have a h:panelGrid with usual primefaces style?

