The Lister Centenary @ RCSEd

spacer It is my great pleasure to invite you to join us in Edinburgh from 9-11 February 2012 in order to celebrate the life and work of Joseph Lister, the pioneer of antiseptic surgery, on the occasion of the centenary of his death.

The College will be joined by our three sister Colleges as well as by a number of the surgical Specialty Associations for a programme of symposia and lectures which in addition to an historical content, will place Lister’s pioneering work in a contemporary context.

The activities will also include the final of the Lister surgical skills competition for which entrants from all UK medical schools have competed in a series of heats throughout the UK.

I invite you to browse the website for further information about other activities.

I look forward to welcoming you to the College for this historic occasion.

David Tolley PRCSEd

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