Welcome to IYAMYOURS! Below are our most recent love & romantic stories! PS--we have removed our Moderated Stories section; all stories will now show on the homepage. We have a current backlog of two weeks, so please be patient as we process your submissions!
2335 | Manchester | UK | Romantic | Comments

MH, it seems like everything was in black and white before you came along; you make things so much more interesting and beautiful. You bring things to life. You bring *me* to life. I know I’m not great at saying the ‘L’ word but I hope you know that my sun rises and sets on you. IYAMYOURS.

(+5 rating, 5 votes) spacer Good Loving!spacer Bad Loving!
2332 | Australia | Australia | Romantic | Comments

I know that no matter what I do, no matter what I say, we will never be together. I know people think I’m wasting my time because you never come out of your shell. I know the awful things people say about you, that you’re bulimic, that you’re boring, that you’re ugly, that you’re a loner. But I also know you’re the most beautiful, most fascinating, most special girl I’ve ever met, and I know that I’m in love with you. IYAMYOURS

(+10 rating, 10 votes) spacer Good Loving!spacer Bad Loving!
2327 | UK | UK | Romantic | Comments

Charlotte, I know you read this religiously and I know you don’t like over the top kinda stuff, so here I go: Charlotte Rogers will you do me the honour and make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? IYAMYOURS.

(+37 rating, 53 votes) spacer Good Loving!spacer Bad Loving!
2325 | Long Beach Island, NJ | USA | Romantic | Comments

We hardly spoke in High School, and now we reconnected and have been inseparable since. It has only been two months but I am positive it is going to be so much longer than that. Being in school, and hour and a half away from you so often kills me, but your text messages and cute things you say always brightens my day. You are my rock that I lean on especially during the tough times I’m having at school. I miss you, I love you and darling, forever and ever IYAMYOURS.

(+2 rating, 8 votes) spacer Good Loving!spacer Bad Loving!
2321 | New York | USA | Romantic | Comments

Michelle, the first time we talked online was the first time I came to help after my friends had abandoned me. It was also the first real relationship that I’ve ever been in. While we’re states apart, and everyone considers this relationship impossible, even us at times…I love you. And after 2 years and 4 months, I got to see you a month ago…and I realized that would stay. No matter what. Yes, some things I say can be harsh and painful. But I want you to know that IYAMYOURS. Always.

(+7 rating, 13 votes) spacer Good Loving!spacer Bad Loving!
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