

Welcome to the

Western Reserve Transit Authority
Serving all Mahoning County


WRTA provides countywide public transportation services to help people get where they need to go.

Services are available on weekdays and Saturdays. Services are generally available on weekdays from 6:00 am to midnight; and on Saturdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

WRTA offers the following services:

  • Fixed Route Services - Bus routes that operate on a fixed schedule and route.

  • Special Service Transit, or SST, a small bus service for seniors and people with disabilities who live within three quarters of a mile of the area served by Bus Routes, but cannot use or have difficulty using these Bus Routes.

  • EasyGo Curb-to-Curb Service picks you up at your home and takes you where you need to go, dropping you off at the curb or building within areas not served by the fixed schedule and route.

  • Suburban Loop and Crosstown Services, located in Campbell, Struthers, Poland, Boardman and Canfield provide suburban fixed route services within and between suburban communities.

We hope that you are able to find all the information you need here, so you can use WRTA services successfully.

Use the "TABS" across the top or the "Quick Links" to find the information you need.


If you have any questions, call or email:
Customer Service
Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM

To stay up-to-date on WRTA services, sign up here for WRTA's email service.

New Farecard & Farebox Information

Thank You!
WRTA was recognized as the
"Best Web Site" Runner Up
at the Ohio Public Transit Association Conventon.

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