
Radia on The Field Reporter


"Moraine" and an excerpt from "Basin 1" from Radia appeared on The Field Reporter Radio #5, 31 March 2012.

Atlas Sets: Bach + Mantione

The next collaboration in the Atlas Sets project will be with composer Philip Mantione. Our inital meeting will take place 4 May 2012 in West Los Angeles. Additional information on recording dates will be announced here and documented on the Atlas Sets page.

Guest Lecture and Live Set

I will lecture and perform an improvised set of sounds and field recordings for Tom Krumpak's graduate seminar in Drawing and Painting, Art Department, Cal State Long Beach, 20 March 2012.

Atlas Sets: Bach + Byrnes session

The first recording session for Atlas Sets will take place 16 March 2012, in Ted Byrnes' studio, Pasadena, CA. Strategies and resources for the session can be found here.

Radia on Quiet Space


"Basin 1" from Radia appeared on A Small Floating Particle, an episode of Quiet Space, hosted by Paul Gough (aka Pimmon), ABC Radio National (Australia), 4 March 2012.

Radia: Review on Vital Weekly


"This solo release uses guitar feedback and field recordings captured in various state parks in California and Wisconsin. This is quiet music, sometimes almost below the threshold of hearing, but it sounds great. Lowercase is a term we don't hear that much anymore, but it certainly applies to this music. Whatever field recordings he has captured (at some instances I recognized the sound of water and birds), or whatever processes he applied to them, they sound like blurry static pieces of hiss like sounds, in which he places his sparse guitar sounds. There is a lot of space in the music - not in a cosmic sense of the word, but in the sparseness of the sounds used to create this music. This is not the kind of music you put on for 'fun', or as 'background'. This music requires active listening and without such concentrated effort it rather fails to impress the listener. It might be over before you know something had started. That is, I think, a great quality."

-- Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly #821, 28 February 2011.

Atlas Sets: Bach + Schlarb

The next collaboration in the Atlas Sets project will be with guitarist, composer, producer, and recording engineer Chris Schlarb. Our inital meeting will take place 14 March 2012 in Long Beach. Additional information on recording dates will be announced here and documented on the Atlas Sets page.

Atlas Sets: Bach + Byrnes


Atlas Sets is a new project in the Atlas series. Atlas Sets will be a collective conversation about musical map-making, contemplative practice, creative community, and artistic intention.

I will be collaborating with various musician friends in current and future duos, trios, quartets, and larger ensembles for a series of recordings that will be included in a box set due for release in 2015. Accompanying the recordings will be a catalog of transcripts, session notes, photographs, sketches, scores, and other ephemera.

The first meeting has been scheduled with percussionist Ted Byrnes, Tuesday, 28 February 2012, in Pasadena. Documentation of the initial discussion and subsequent recording date(s) will be documented at Atlas Sets.

Radia now available from Dust, Unsettled


has been officially released on Dust, Unsettled. This is a limited edition run of 100 copies and is shipping now. A special one-sheet promotional page is available as a PDF.

"The album is a quiet masterpiece of minimalism, its slow guitar tones feeding off the subtle location recordings with underpin the entirety of the release. Radia is a set of recordings that reveals something new, in miniature, with each successive listen." --Dust, Unsettled.

Radia pre-order from Dust, Unsettled


can now be pre-ordered from the label Dust, Unsettled. A special one-sheet promotional page is available as a PDF.

Radia forthcoming on Dust, Unsettled


Radia, the third of a trio of solo projects, will be released in early 2012 on the label Dust, Unsettled, curated by Brian Lavelle, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Slow Sound

Double Blind
Intense Situations of Peril
Milwaukee Phonography
Slow Moving Vehicle


 Glenn Bach
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