show off your shot

Happy Easter, PEEPS! I hope you all had a fabulous day. It was sunny in the pacific northwest today so, you know, it was awesome. After a yummy, fun brunch with family we came home and just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, until after dinner (bbq'd chicken and potato salad-YUM) the boys did some Easter weeding, and then some posing. Thank you, boys!

How about you? Get any shots you want to show off this week? Link 'em up!


Won't you join me and show off your's easy!
1) Pick your favorite shot of the week, or one that you otherwise feel like "showing off".
2) Show it off!

That's it!
The "rules":

Please include my button in your post (below) or at a minimum a link back to this blog. (Otherwise I reserve the right to delete your entry).
Please link up to your blog POST and not your main blog URL.
Linky opens at midnight(ish) Monday morning and stays open through midnight(ish) Friday.
Please do visit the other participants and leave some comment love on the other entries! This makes it fun for everyone.
