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Truth . Disclose . Expose

Every Sunday 7PM PST

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Truth . Disclose . Expose

Every Sunday 7PM PST

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Truth . Disclose . Expose

Every Sunday 7PM PST

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Truth . Disclose . Expose

Every Sunday 7PM PST

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Truth . Disclose . Expose

Every Sunday 7PM PST

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Occupy: Personal Freedom Re-Examined

spacer November 30th, 2011 spacer admin

As we learned from Sunday’s broadcast, Los Angeles Occupy was forced to leave their tent city on the front lawn of city hall this week. Hundreds of protesters were encouraged to leave by a massive effort by LAPD. From the front lines, we’ve heard about the large police presence as well as the overall feeling from the Occupiers that the word “freedom” has taken on a new meaning to them.

We are free to do many things in this country, but as you look at the privacy laws over the years especially post 911, personal freedoms have certainly taken a plunge. You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to realize that especially with technology advancement, personal privacy is really a thing of the past. You are scanned and under surveillance and scrutiny by the government in ways you may not even realize. The obvious ones in recent years have been debated and reported by mainstream media, but what about the surveillance and government prying you don’t know anything about? Systems that we pay for that give power to unelected individuals to be able to know everything about you, your family and every facet of your personal finance and private conversations. Yes, these are monitored, scanned and scrutinized under the umbrella of national security efforts. Regular Joe may be angered about having to get a body scan boarding a plane, but does he know about Echelon?

Wiki describes ECHELON as a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UK–USA Security Agreement (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, known as AUSCANNZUKUS or Five Eyes). It has also been described as the only software system which controls the download and dissemination of the intercept of commercial satellite trunk communications. Thanks Mr. Wales!

In simple terms, this high powered software global network is a monitoring system for all communications involved within your life. Of course, Echelon has practical implications that make sense to find and react upon “terrorist” chatter, but now with the days of Occupy upon us, what is the definition of a “terrorist”? What is allowed to be monitored and who has oversight. Ask these questions around the beltway and you’re probably destined for a frustrating investigation.

Personal freedom is slipping away in the US, and Occupy has only helped point out how easy it is for a group of mayors from different cities to meet and decide within a few hours to kill an unwanted agenda. Again, technology makes much of this possible. Someone years ago warned us through his manifesto about tech, unfortunately the dude was correct, but insane as well. Currently he’s in super max until his dying day.

When you analyze what Occupy has accomplished thus far, I would point to more awareness wins rather than policy change efforts. Either way, that’s a good thing.


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Occupy: Where is John Connor?

spacer November 21st, 2011 spacer admin

For most of my listeners the tile of this post resonates right away. After a month of research and coverage of the Occupy movement,  I am thoroughly convinced that without a charismatic leader, the Occupy movement will never reach any of it’s goals.

What are the goals! This of course is what is asked most often of me when the sheeple ask me what the hell Occupy wants. The easy macro answer I usually give is that Occupy stands for the economic and social inequality and injustices being done to the average citizen by the elite power brokers.

This usually is digested and forgotten. The point is that getting granular about what Occupy wants is problematic for Occupy mainly because of the specific process of deciding on stances and establishing policy. After a month of research I can say with absolute certainty that the process of “everyone being a leader” is not only flawed, but impossible for structure to emerge. I thought many people would find this to be an obvious point, but I’ve still heard from many Occupy folks that the concept of developing a council or leader with some sort of rules regarding how to move forward is pretty much against their credo.

I hope this changes. In our show last night, we laid out some unique alternative activities that the “day of action” could have implemented to make  much more of an impact on the companies Occupy is so disgusted with.

If you haven’t heard the show from Sunday, I urge you to give it a listen and tell me your thoughts. Until Occupy decides to steer itself into a more solidified and united front, I will continue to report, but I can’t fully support.

A John Connor needs to emerge!


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Occupy: The Election

spacer November 1st, 2011 spacer admin

Occupy “The Election”

Recently our radio program has been in contact with many people on the front lines at Occupy events. We will continue to step up our reporting of Occupy activities moving forward in an unfiltered format.  The New Guard Network pledges their allegiance to the Occupy movement as we realize that not only is it making an impact, but that it must succeed in order for this country to have a future worth being proud to be a citizen of.

Recently I’ve made my opinion known regarding the need for a unified front from Occupy. I firmly believe that a leader, elected in a corruption free process could not only help the movement gain more momentum faster, but also if timed right, cause an overshadowing impact effect on the upcoming presidential election.

Much of Occupy up until now has been adamant about not having any leaders. I agree that during the initial phase of “the gathering”, Occupy didn’t need a leader. People are getting together in locations to voice anger and show support towards the changes needed both socially and economically. The voice of the forgotten is being heard because they are forcing others to listen! I myself in recent weeks have tried to educate many mainstream sheep that financial corruption as well as the military industrial complex dangers are not very difficult to understand once there is actual interest in learning about it. The elite have not tried to hide any of their massive corruption in this country which makes it much easier to report about. The arrogance from the 1% seems to be saying “yeah, so whacha gonna do about it?”

Most of you who know me understand, I am always thinking 2.0. What is Occupy 2.0 going to look like? An Occupy elected leader would be a great way to organize many different opinions on the front lines that mostly have common goals. I think we can agree that all of the Occupy movement wants the end of economic tyranny, inequality, as well as the end of corporate involvement and blatant influence over our government. An Occupy election in my imagination would take place solely online. Primaries, debates, and ultimately a registration process and e-vote could all take place online. Obviously no easy task, but look at what they’ve done so far! Rules regarding the election could be established and eventually adopted. This could work. Without it, I fear what Occupy will do with everyone calling the shots.

Long live Occupy!

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We Are Back Live!

spacer September 13th, 2011 spacer admin


We are back Sunday nights at 7PM – 9PM PST. Please join us for uncensored and uninterrupted conversation. I can’t do it any other way!

See you then.


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Randolph’s Rant 7/11/11

spacer July 11th, 2011 spacer admin

Randolph’s Rant

UFO Day 2011

So much swirling this past week with initiatives from Ufology folks to drum up momentum for UFO awareness and organization for change. As most of you know, Ufology is infamous for its elite not playing nice. Endless battles over the years between researchers and radio hosts spending way too much time trying to prove each other wrong or just plain de-face reputations. Now how could you have a beef with Stanton Friedman!

For the most part I think these are good things to do and many times have actual pure and good intentions. For instance, I endorsed James fox publicly and the political initiatives he has initiated. I guess what I’m saying is I’ve become very selective in my endorsements of these types of initiatives.

I can’t think of a week that goes by that someone doesn’t ask me about when disclosure will occur on a national or international level. Actual acceptance and admittance of the long lasting cover up. Obviously this is a question I don’t have the answer to. I guess the point is that I would like to make is that I don’t think anyone does. It bothers me when people within the subject make magical claims each year of a disclosure event that will take place. Some even go as far as to point out the location and time of press conferences. Of course these stories fade away and we all wait with fingers crossed for the next morsel of disclosure gossip to hit the wire.

At the end of the day I think some peeps within Ufology have it all figured out. Disclosure has occurred. It is known by the ones that have done the research that there is and has always been an extraterrestrial presence on our planet since its inception. I think the recent ancient aliens series really helped make this much more digestible to the mainstream. The evidence in my opinion of the ancient astronaut theory is undeniable and proves what the power, political and religious leaders of this globe don’t want you to know. Ironically, most wait for these same elements of power structure to endorse these concepts before they are willing to fully accept. So strange that no one trusts the government, but without their admittance of the phenomena, most will never believe.

As far as initiatives moving forward, the New Guard will continue to inform through our You tube Network and keep educating the public through the largest media outlets we can find to place our content. We invite you to join that initiative by subscribing and responding to the information posted.



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The Launch of The “New Guard Network”

spacer July 6th, 2011 spacer admin

spacer Ok folks, here comes another Randolph weekly rant.  I wanted to explain how excited we are about the New Guard Network. This was actually a natural and very organic progression for the show. The AM dial as a medium is just not relevant any longer with our global audience and overall goals moving towards actual change.  There are just too many constraints on what can be said as well as the dozens of commercials promoting silly products and services that many times went against our own core beliefs.  We decided recently to forge a new path and embrace the global network, the internet. We will not ever change from this platform as it is truly the last free speech front. Now my friends in Japan, Australia, Prague as well as Ireland and the rest of the UFONAUT supporters around the world can experience, and digest this content on their time.

The New Guard Network launched this past month on You Tube and I hope to see you all there. What I can promise is that content will be plentiful and current.  There will be other handpicked hosts that will also be joining the network in the coming months that I’ve been impressed with and want to give a forum to. I’ve put my A&R hat on for raw new talent! Recently we brought Justin Brown out of Canada on board and he is already providing exceptional content. The point is now you will have a hub to go to 24/7 to find the most current conversation and visuals associated with ufology, new science and important social topics of interest.

Last weekend while most of you were blowing things up and eating wieners, lol, NGN was in the studio doing an analysis piece about the current UFO’s seen over London. This alone took a marathon fifteen hour edit session by yours truly, and by Sunday morning the video was live. The information is there for you to watch when you have time, not when an AM station deems it at 1:30AM…

Another thing I really encourage this audience is to take advantage of the video response feature that You Tube offers. This is a chance to be heard and express yourself in your own way. These kinds of tools are so much more powerful than any AM radio signal. Kinda like SETI being obsolete…J

Ok so that’s the NGN. You can find it on You Tube by searching me or NewGuardNetwork You can click the logo on this post. You can also go to to find us as well. You might recognize the site…

On that note please continue to support this new initiative as this is the only place moving forward where you will find UFONAUT content. We are looking forward to an amazing visual ride outside the matrix.

One life, make it count.


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Guest Tonight

spacer July 3rd, 2011 spacer admin

Stanton Friedman talks about the Annie Jacobsen book Area 51

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News From the New Guard 5.23.11

spacer June 23rd, 2011 spacer admin


So much to report to you this week. First off, many have asked what’s going on with ITUNES? Well, after much discussion between John and I,  we have decided to post all our interviews moving forward exclusively on the “New Guard Network”.  If you’re not familiar, NGN is our brand new YouTube hub and it will be the home of all UFONAUT content as well as so much more.  You can find it directly here.

The NGN is a big part of UFONAUT 2.0 which is dedicated to providing unique “underground” content from a variety of researchers and sources. We have access and much more freedom of expression in this format. Basically you’re not listening to ten minutes of commercials begging you to buy gold coins, or freeze dried food for the next intergalactic conflict… This network will allow us to extend interviews and not only get much more “granular”, but also more candid which as you know can reveal much more information at times.

The new video format was the obvious next leap for us, and to also be able to cover other subjects that we are also concerned and interested in all under the New guard Network umbrella. This is a big initiative that keeps me up way into the night, every night, but as you know that’s where the truth usually hides.

What makes us unique is that after being on the actual dial for a while, I’ve learned that the internet will eventually in the short term future be the better option for truth seekers. I’ve learned that the limitations of corporate backing makes it way too difficult to express opinion freely and without time restrictions. Many of you miss the “lite” shows where I was really able to get loose with the audience. This environment is less choreographed and much more organic.  What we need right now is your support.

So how can you help? Well first I hope that you will want to. My audience has been so supportive, but at the same time over the past five years, I’ve felt strange asking you for donations and memberships etc. In an economic depression it’s hard to expect the listeners to be able to contribute in that fashion. At the same time I have always said there are Sayer’s and doer’s. Sometimes signing a petition is enough to feel as though you’ve done something outside of flipping the channel on the remote. Some of you go much further in your efforts and I applaud that.  What we need right now is your clicks. A fairly simple request, but necessary to grow the network and it’s viral capacity. What we need are NG subscription drivers. Take the link and get your mates to subscribe. Watch the content and spread the word about the network. Embed the videos on your sites. No money will ever be asked of you, just your time and energy.

The New Guard is a concept and a way of thinking. Many of us are bitter and know that we’ve been deceived since birth on so many levels. This hub will eventually allow us to visually represent our thoughts, and in the near future activities and plans. I can’t do this alone, the Guard must become a modern day Camelot for it to demand expectations and future Berlin wall style fallings of information.

Go to the New Guard Network and make a video response. Tell us what you think. This is the time to think and act differently. Join the effort.



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Thoughts from the New Guard 5.6.11

spacer June 5th, 2011 spacer admin

As I sit here at biscuits cafe on a Sunday morning, waiting on my #4 combo, I can only think how unaware most on the outdoor patio are to the extraterrestrial presence here on earth. What a thing to ponder for Sunday breakfast… Seriously, as I scan the people sitting near me at the tables I try to read their minds. A divorced Sunday dad with his son, an unhappy family with way too many kids, two elderly ladies making the waitress nuts, and me and my dog lol. What a motley bunch!

This past month has been incredibly interesting for Ufology as we’ve seen a flux of new YouTube videos claiming to be of recovered aliens as well as a strange book released into the mainstream that claims to have solved the Roswell incident. What this proves is that Ufology is always present in the subconscious of the public mind, however the portrayal is consistently made to debunk and crescendo with a lean towards fakery and/ or more plausible explanations. This can be frustrating, but I often remind the angered Ufologist that every game changing concept our society has had to eventually accept has taken years to digest and is usually a  painful process developing finally into a mainstream acceptance over time.

So where to focus and target your frustration / energy? Well, for me it’s obvious that if there is a “key” to unlock the government suppression or pieces to this puzzle then we must try to exploit it. Many have tried and continue to, but without a real breach ala what Wiki Leaks has been able to accomplish, we wait knowing that many of the answers we ponder at breakfast are buried within underground facilities and other black facilities, paid for by you and I and under the control of dark forces that has no intentions of ever allowing you and I to be on the “need to know list”

Tune in tonight for Michael Horn 9PM PST and don’t forget to chat with us live during the broadcast on

Happy Sunday!

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Sunday 6.3.11 Michael Horn

spacer May 19th, 2011 spacer admin

spacer Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts (, which he has researched since 1979 (and proved to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the new, award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”.

Sunday 9PM PST KFNX 1100 AM Phoenix.

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Charles James Hall: Area 53 & 54 5.15.11

spacer May 17th, 2011 spacer admin

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