PornHub, iVillage harvest emails and auto-register user accounts

Posted on by Ivan Bernat


Imagine waking up on a beautiful Sunday morning. Still in your bed, you grab your phone just to check if you have any urgent email before getting up and spending the day relaxing. But instead of a relaxing morning, you find six emails saying you’re now subscribed to various newsletters and sites you’ve never heard of.

I am now a PornHub user I never wanted to be one. Heck, I never heard of that site before that morning. But here I am, with my full name used as a username on a porn site. And while  these say “Please confirm ..” it’s basically them saying “Fuck you, we’re sending you shit”. iVillage has a nifty unsubscribe link in the bottom of their newsletters that doesn’t work.


The only logical explanation for this is me putting my email in the footer of my site. It’s not hard to piece it together, but it never occurred to me somebody would a) look for stuff like this on the web, and b) register you on a porn site.

What’s best, I don’t have Flash installed and can’t .. enjoy the contents of the site.

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