Monday, April 09, 2012

Eval a Clojure Snippet in Java

The vast majority of the existing code for my current project is in Java, but the majority of the new code that we write is in Clojure; as a result, I spend quite a bit of time bouncing between Clojure & Java. Recently I was working with some Clojure code that was easily testable (in isolation) within Clojure, but was also executed as part of some higher-level Java integration tests. Within the Clojure tests I used with-redefs to temporarily set the state of a few atoms I cared about; however, setting the same state within the higher-level Java tests turned out to be a bit more of an interesting task.

Our Java integration tests, like all integration tests I've ever run into, look simple enough when looking at the code of the test; however, if you want to understand how the simple test exercises several collaborations you'll need to dig deep into the bowels of the integration test helpers. Integration test helpers are usually a very fragile combination of classes that stub behavior, classes with preloaded fake datasets, and classes that provide event triggering hooks. In my experience you also generally need the High-Level Test Whisperer on hand to answer any questions, and you generally don't want to make any changes without asking for the HLTW's assistance.

Today's experience went exactly as I expect all of my experiences with the functional tests to go:

I added a bit of behavior, and tested everything that I thought was worth testing. With all the new tests passing, I ran the entire suite - 85 errors. The nice thing about errors in functional tests: they generally cause all of the functional tests to break in an area of code that you know you weren't working in. I wasn't that surprised that so many tests had broken, I was adding a bit of code into a core area of our application. However, I wasn't really interested in testing my new behavior via the functional tests, so I quickly looked for the easiest thing I could do to make the functional tests unaware of my change. The solution was simple enough, conceptually, the new code only ran if specific values were set within the atom in my new namespace; therefore, all I needed to do was clear that atom before the functional tests were executed.

Calling Clojure from Java is easy, so I set out to grab the atom from the Clojure and swap! + dissoc the values I cared about. Getting the atom in Java was simple enough, and clojure.lang.Atom has a swap() method, but it takes an IFn. I spent a few minutes looking at passing in a IFn that dissoc'd correctly for me; however, when nothing was painfully obvious I took a step back and considered an easier solution: eval.

As I previously mentioned, this is not only test code, but it's test code that I already expect to take a bit longer to run**. Given that context, eval seemed like an easy choice for solving my issue. The following code isn't pretty, but it got done exactly what I was looking for.
RT.var("clojure.core", "eval").invoke(
  RT.var("clojure.core","read-string").invoke("(swap! my-ns/my-atom dissoc :a-key)"));
I wasn't done yet, as I still needed the HLTW's help on getting everything to play nice together; however, that little Clojure snippet got me 90% of what I needed to get my behavior out of the way of the existing functional tests. I wouldn't recommend doing something like that in prod, but for what I needed it worked perfectly.

** let's not get carried away, the entire suite still runs in 20 secs. That's not crazy fast, but I'm satisfied for now.

Labels: clojure, java, java interop

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