
Binayaksen.net is one of many efforts by well wishers and supporters of Dr Binayak Sen to bring the injustice being done to him by the government of Chhattisgarh to the attention of people around the world. We went into temporary hibernation soon after 25 May 2009, when the Indian Supreme Court finally granted bail to Dr Sen though none of the charges against him were dropped.

Our rest has been brief as on 24 December 2010, the Eve of Christmas, a Raipur Session Court judge, with complete disregard for all norms of logic or law, sentenced Dr Binayak Sen to life imprisonment for ‘sedition’. Once again our battle has begun and this time –though the task is harder- we remain confident that justice will prevail and Dr Sen will walk a free man.

Now the campaign will not just be for Dr Sen’s unconditional release but for compensation to him and his family for the terrible torture they have gone through as a result of these false cases. We also demand punishment to all those police officials responsible for planting evidence and framing Dr Sen together with a thorough inquiry into the unfair trial he has been subjected to.

This site is run by Free Binayak Sen Campaign , a platform supported by the following Organisations

  • movingrepublic
  • Peopleswatch
  • Visualsearch, Bangalore

Editorial Team

  • Anivar Aravind
  • Satya Sivaraman
  • K.P Sasi


Submit Your Protest, announcements, news, Free Binayak Sen Film festival details, articles etc on Free Binayaksen Campaign to contact@binayaksen.net