
spacer Tongue-Tied America: Reviving the Art of Verbal Persuasion is a must-have book for law students, lawyers, business-school students, or anyone who is ever called upon to present a persuasive argument or deliver a speech. If you need to know how to engage, persuade, and hold the interest of an audience, Sayler and Shadel offer the insight of many years’ trial and teaching experience, and a framework for understanding the principles of public speaking that stem from classical rhetoric, cognitive psychology, and theater. Clearly and methodically, Sayler and Shadel describe the techniques and strategies behind organizing, writing, and delivering a speech, with plenty of examples and practical tips. Iconic speeches in the text coupled with video illustrations on this website exemplify the well-written speech and illustrate the essential components of a successful and persuasive delivery.

Praise For Tongue-Tied America

“The authors have wrapped into one volume everything that lawyers need to know about public speaking. It teaches all of us—from real estate attorney to trial lawyer—how to talk and how to persuade. It’s all there—from the most basic stuff, like voice control and standing in the right place, to the more nuanced art of cadence, timely gestures, and winning visuals. A long overdue must for our profession!”Barry F. McNeil, Chair Emeritus, American Bar Association Litigation Section, Partner, Haynes and Boone

“This wise and lively book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in effective oral communication.”Doree Allen, Ph.D., Director of the Oral Communication Program, The Center for Teaching and Learning, Stanford University

“This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to be able to present ideas effectively.”Paul John Tagliabue, former Commissioner of the NFL, Partner, Covington & Burling

You can order the book at Amazon.comspacer or directly from the publisher.  Professors may order a free copy by calling 1.800.950.5259 or e-mailing legaledu@wolterskluwer.com.

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