spacer This page is dedicated to the Douche’s, Mr. Dressups, Shooter’s and Big Chucker’s; the guys whose waders are too tight and spend more time yammering than fishing. Of course they are always anonymous. We think this shit is pretty funny so funny in fact that we’re going to give out the INTERNET TOUGH GUY of the month award to the best anonymous comment dropped out there. Just no idea who to send the prize too….dang.


Rips on a Spatsizi post:

Well…I have no idea where to start. There are so many things wrong with this post it makes me sick. Fist of all, know where you are fishing. You are not fishing the waters of the “Stakine” river. You are actually fishing the “Stikine” river. Read a map bro. Second, I have never heard of a bull trout hitting on a dry fly. From all of your previous posts I would not be surprised if you thought a rainbow was a bull trout. Terrible. Have some respect for the beautiful places you are fortunate enough to visit. -KJ

You have no idea where to start……well let me help you. This would have started much better with “I am a massive tool and since I have nagged my wife out the door I am going to start nagging you about stupid shit that only the incredibly bored and anal would even pick up. Stikine? I like it spelled with the A its more manly that way. I think they wanted to spell it with an A in the first place but through the trials and tribulations of bureaucracy it got stuck with an “i” we are taking it back old school baby. Or was that skool. As for the bulltrout hitting on a dry fly……your or you’re right it didnt hit on it, it hit it. See how fun & productive being anal is! Quit or quite being a deuche or is that doosh and go fishing? fisking? FUQ? – LFF

Rips on +BLOWN-

1. don’t you know by know that as soon as anyone opens their mouth in these vids it ruins everything…geesh  - bird song

Your right silent films are way better…..dont you know by now no one uses the word “geesh” anymore except for internet tough guys with pussy handles like bird song – LFF

The next shit talker is commenting on the info we gave regarding what camera the piece was shot with, process etc. we said that it was just the raw footage we had not done any color correction which in most cases is the LO FI way……for the most part the only time we mess with color is to make it look shittier not the case with +BLOWN- and if he wanted to duke it out on some serious camera nerdery we be happy to oblige but of course no way to get in touch……anyways here it is.

2. no color correction?????? mmmmm – ya right

Dang Spielberg you caught us; we look way cooler lying about that sort of thing to a bunch of dudes on fly fishing blog comment sections. How are we ever gonna pick up dudes on Moldy Chum with you cock blocken us like this? – LFF


1. “You call it crappy, i’ll call it boring and what is worse? Above all, i like glorious porn, even with fish”

So boring you took time to tell us about it……right on. – LFF

2. “That was the most mediocre brown i’ve seen out of that river…was surprised to see that crew not nymphing for once…” – LAME

Its hard for our “crew” of turds to catch anything other than mediocre browns when this dry fly ninja is snagging all the big ones. This shooter is so good he has time to watch what everyone else on the river is doing.  We realize fly fishing is only about catching big fish and considered quitting all together but no other sport would take us. Be sure to say hi at the launch and collect your INTERNET TOUGH GUY of the month award; your the winner for April. – LFF

3. “Exhausting a fish for the sake of ten grip and grins, to the point it can’t even swim away? Then poke it so it has to swim away? Now I know why hook and line mortality is so high, next time just bonk it if you’re going to die either way…Low ball”

You are correct bonking fish is much better than releasing them; we usually do 40-50 grip n grins but with the magic of editing we were able to reduce what you saw down to 10 or was it 1?….i guess the video is there to check……fly fisherman never hyberolize do they (10, poking, exhausted, dying WTF!)…..could it be the 24′s your catching are 16′s. Your home waters are fortunate to have you monitoring everyones catch & release practices…it would be awesome if you made a vid to help us dolts see the light. “Low Ball” we dig that….got a name for our next short. Congrats you’re up for the INTERNET TOUGH GUY award for May!! If you win we will donate some money towards the group that conducted the hook & line mortality research you reference. You gotta land em to know they just hang out sometimes, commonly referred to as the “BROWN TROUT POUT”. – LFF


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