
'Builtins' web sites

The magic of metaprogramming, kiwi pycon 2012, september, 2012, dunedin, [..]
builtins . Learn how to slide a class underneath a module to intercept reads writes, place automatic type checking over your object attributes and use stack peeking to make selected attributes private to their owning class. We 39;ll cover import hacking, metaclasses, descriptors and decorators and how they work internally. Audience Advanced Programmer Tags Gold Sponsors 2011 Silver Sponsors 2011 Bronze Sponsors 2011 In.kind
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Nix release notes
builtins .addErrorContext to add a string to stack traces 8212; useful for debugging , builtins .isBool, builtins .isString, builtins .isInt, builtins .intersectAttrs.OpenSolaris support Sander van der Burg.Stack traces are no longer displayed unless option is used.The scoping rules for inherit e.. in recursive attribute sets have changed. The expression e can now refer to the attributes defined in the containing
Mr queue suite. what is the queue suite.
builtins .stack. Queues are a great way to off.load lengthy tasks from any process which deals with users, to improve the perceived performance of an application. For example, when a new message is submitted to a discussion group, it must be indexed for the search engine. If you index it immediately, the user must wait for the indexing to complete before a web page is returned. If the page is long enough, that could easily take a
Six python 2 and 3 compatibility library mdash; six 1.2.0 documentation
2012-11-25 ⚑books ⚑enterprise
builtins builtin builtins configparser ConfigParser configparser copyreg copy reg copyreg cPickle cPickle pickle cStringIO cStringIO.StringIO io.StringIO filter itertools.ifilter filter http cookiejar cookielib http.cookiejar http cookies Cookie http.cookies html entities htmlentitydefs html.entities html parser HTMLParser html.parser http client httplib http.client BaseHTTPServer BaseHTTPServer http.server CGIHTTPServer
Polish python coders group. news
builtins , ctypes, sqlite3, hotshot, scproxy, lsprof, heapq, json, io, bz2 czy dbm, interaktywne narz dzie pomocy help , ulepszenia w zakresie strumienia wej cia input raw input, sys.stdin , du o bardziej stabilne i niezawodne operacje na plikach, poprawki b d w w obs udze Script Editor. W ramach powy szej aktualizacji, programista mo e dysponowa j zykiem Python w wersji 3.2.3 czy 2.7.3. Wi cej informacji iTunes Preview Python 2.7,
builtins open gregory.p.smith enhancement 19 8890 6 hours ago Use tempfile instead of tmp in examples open Henri.Salo docs python security 24 14171 7 hours ago warnings from valgrind about openssl as used by CPython open zooko 1 1346572 7 hours ago Remove inconsistent behavior between import and zipimport open acidbase 11 14144 8 hours ago urllib2 HTTPRedirectHandler not forwarding POST data in redirect open crustymonkey behavior
Perl 6 tablets table of contents
builtins , methods, alphabetically ordered Appendix B Grouped Index cheat sheets and summary tables, content like Appendix A but grouped by topic Appendix C Cookbook chunks of everyday Perl 5, translated into idiomatic Perl 6 Appendix D Delta most drastic changes beween 5 and 6 Appendix E Exciting excellent, best.of, appetizer tour Appendix F FAQ frequently asked questions Appendix G Glossary complicated words explained Appendix H
Information about cwm. timbl closed world machine
2013-03-14 ⚑tech
builtins suite CWM was written in Python from 2000.10 onwards by Tim Berners.Lee and Dan Connolly of the W3C. This resource is provided so that people can use CWM, find out what it does documentation used to be sparse , and perhaps even contribute to its development. Installing CWM To install CWM, you will first need to install Python if you don t have it on your machine. The latest version is highly recommended certainly upgrade wait manpage
builtins 1 BASH builtins 1 NAME bash, ,., , alias, bg, bind, break, builtin, cd, command, compgen, complete, continue, declare, dirs, disown, echo, enable, eval, exec, exit, export, fc, fg, getopts, hash, help, history, jobs, kill, let, local, logout, popd, printf, pushd, pwd, read, readonly, return, set, shift, shopt, source, suspend, test, times, trap, type, typeset, ulimit, umask, unalias, unset, wait. bash commands,
Euler proof mechanism
builtins .n3 and get builtins .result.n3 for easterP.n3 ask easterC.n3 and get easterE.n3 for dtP.n3 ask dtC.n3 and get dtE.n3 for rdfs.rules.n3 and rdfs.facts.n3 ask rdfs.query.n3 and get rdfs.result.n3 for owl.rules.n3 and owl.facts.n3 ask owl.query.n3 and get owl.result.n3 ask etc1.n3 and get etc1.proof.n3 ask etc2.n3 and get etc2.proof.n3 ask etc3.n3 and get etc3.proof.n3 ask etc4.n3 and get etc4.proof.n3 Concept The axioms are
2012-11-16 ⚑tech
builtins when in the class.level no longer generate a warning. Fixed issue starting new thread in the debugger fix for paste waitress. Fixed error configuring interpreter if os.path was not present. Fixed issue when configuring interpreter which has unicode characters in the PYTHONPATH. When searching for external files, also take a look at the configured projects, as it may be that the file should actually be found in an external
Six python 2 and 3 compatibility library mdash; six 1.2.0 documentation
2012-11-25 books ⚑enterprise
builtins builtin builtins configparser ConfigParser configparser copyreg copy reg copyreg cPickle cPickle pickle cStringIO cStringIO.StringIO io.StringIO filter itertools.ifilter filter http cookiejar cookielib http.cookiejar http cookies Cookie http.cookies html entities htmlentitydefs html.entities html parser HTMLParser html.parser http client httplib http.client BaseHTTPServer BaseHTTPServer http.server CGIHTTPServer
Six python 2 and 3 compatibility library mdash; six 1.2.0 documentation
2012-11-25 ⚑books enterprise
builtins builtin builtins configparser ConfigParser configparser copyreg copy reg copyreg cPickle cPickle pickle cStringIO cStringIO.StringIO io.StringIO filter itertools.ifilter filter http cookiejar cookielib http.cookiejar http cookies Cookie http.cookies html entities htmlentitydefs html.entities html parser HTMLParser html.parser http client httplib http.client BaseHTTPServer BaseHTTPServer http.server CGIHTTPServer
Polish python coders group. news
builtins , ctypes, sqlite3, hotshot, scproxy, lsprof, heapq, json, io, bz2 czy dbm, interaktywne narz dzie pomocy help , ulepszenia w zakresie strumienia wej cia input raw input, sys.stdin , du o bardziej stabilne i niezawodne operacje na plikach, poprawki b d w w obs udze Script Editor. W ramach powy szej aktualizacji, programista mo e dysponowa j zykiem Python w wersji 3.2.3 czy 2.7.3. Wi cej informacji iTunes Preview Python 2.7,

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