
'Centromeres' web sites

2015-02-25 ⚑news ⚑r&d
centromeres Provide Back Up for Meiotic Telomeres PDF of Cover Research Highlights Asterless amplifies Plk4 Klebba and Galletta et al. reveal that the scaffold protein Asterless Asl regulates centriole duplication by controlling turnover of the kinase Plk4.Cells must duplicate When centromeres fill in for telomeres Fennell et al. reveal that centromeres can stand in for telomeres and promote assembly of the fission yeast meiotic
Stowers institute for medical research
2015-05-07 ⚑r&d
centromeres . Moreover, these centromeric movements appear to be connected to the initiation of the assembly of the synaptonemal complex SC. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms by which synapsis is initiated and the role of centromeres and their flanking heterochromatic regions in this process. The role of the transverse filament protein C 3 G in pairing and synapsis Transverse filament proteins are key components of the SC,
2015-02-25 news ⚑r&d
centromeres Provide Back Up for Meiotic Telomeres PDF of Cover Research Highlights Asterless amplifies Plk4 Klebba and Galletta et al. reveal that the scaffold protein Asterless Asl regulates centriole duplication by controlling turnover of the kinase Plk4.Cells must duplicate When centromeres fill in for telomeres Fennell et al. reveal that centromeres can stand in for telomeres and promote assembly of the fission yeast meiotic

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