
'Dhcpcd' web sites

dhcpcd 2454 all not configured to accept IPv6 RAsMar 1 06 50 51 vector dhcpcd 2454 eth0 interface not found or invalidMar 1 06 50 52 vector avahi.daemon 2501 WARNING No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss.mdns.Mar 1 06 50 53 vector rpc.mountd 2603 Kernel does not have pseudo root support.Mar 1 06 50 53 vector rpc.mountd 2603 NFS v4 mounts will be disabled unless fsid 0Mar 1 06 50 53 vector rpc.mountd 2603 is
Netcfg.git. netcfg network scripts repository
2012-09-10 ⚑enterprise
dhcpcd to not remove re.acquire a lease unnecessarily. fix sysctl parameters for interfaces with vlans FS 26259 version 2.7.2. fix bash completion. discontinue.old connections version 2.7. add support for tunnel interfaces. add support for interface bonding FS 24802. add support for hexadecimal ESSIDs FS 24333. add support for PPPoE connections. add support for profile backgrounding in net.profiles FS 23934. add interactive wifi
Systemd. gentoo linux wiki
2012-11-26 ⚑tech
dhcpcd 2.2.3 wpa supplicant 2.2.4 network manager 2.2.5 wicd 2.2.6 dnsmasq 2.2.7 munge 2.3 Core services 2.3.1 dcron 2.3.2 fcron 2.3.3 hwclock 2.3.4 loadkeys 2.3.5 metalog 2.3.6 ntp.client 2.4 Display managers 2.4.1 KDM 2.4.2 XDM GDM 2.4.3 startx 2.5 Daemons and servers 2.5.1 Samba 2.5.2 NMBD 2.5.3 CUPS 2.5.4 distccd 2.5.5 lighttpd 2.5.6 MySQL 2.5.7 PostgreSQL 2.5.8 NFS 2.5.9 ntpd 2.5.10 Postfix 2.5.11 sshd 2.5.12 sshd.socket
Mobile mesh networks with the raspberry pi part 4. eric erfanian
2012-11-23 ⚑tech
dhcpcd . Modify the following file on the rest of the nodes to enable DNS lookup nano etc resolv.conf. Append the file with the address of your DNS server. In this case my router acts as my DNS server nameserver The change should take effect immediately, and you will be able to ping and other addresses. If you want to see statistics about your network, try installing nmon pacman.S nmon. Testing I decided to
Patrick playground november 2014 archives
dhcpcd sets the hostname to the one supplied by the DHCP server. Guess what. Now my hostname is, I mean, err.. And as a bonus this even breaks X in funny ways so that starting new apps becomes impossible. The fix. Now the hostname is set to localhorst. Because that the name of the machine.111 It doesn t have an explicit name, so localhost used to be ok Posted by Patrick. Permalink Sun Nov 9 12 06
dhcpcd .5.6.6.i486.1.txz Upgraded. n iproute2.3.6.0.i486.1.txz Upgraded. n iptables.1.4.17.i486.1.txz Upgraded. n nmap.6.25.i486.1.txz Upgraded. xap seamonkey.2.15.2.i486.1.txz Upgraded.
Lua.users wiki lua uses
dhcpcd . Contact Tom Oehser Soul Ride Slingshot Game Technology Soul Ride is a PC snowboarding game featuring expansive terrain and physics.based gameplay and character animation. We used stock Lua 3.2.2 in the engine as a configuration facility and console interface, and for scripting some game events. We dropped Lua into the engine late in development, and it proved to be simple, functional and Contact
Shorewall and multiple internet connections
2016-01-07 ⚑tech
dhcpcd or var lib because Shorewall may try to use those stale files to determine the gateway address.If Shorewall is unable to detect the gateway, it is likely because you are using a DHCP client that Shorewall doesn t natively support. You can work around that issue by using the findgw extension script.For example, these examples from Mika Ilmaranta, work with RHEL7.based systems with nmcli nmcli.terse.fields
Netcfg.git. netcfg network scripts repository
2012-09-10 enterprise
dhcpcd to not remove re.acquire a lease unnecessarily. fix sysctl parameters for interfaces with vlans FS 26259 version 2.7.2. fix bash completion. discontinue.old connections version 2.7. add support for tunnel interfaces. add support for interface bonding FS 24802. add support for hexadecimal ESSIDs FS 24333. add support for PPPoE connections. add support for profile backgrounding in net.profiles FS 23934. add interactive wifi

'Dhcpcd' white pages


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