
'Dullards' web sites
Ted2013 the young. the wise. the undiscovered. talent search
2013-03-11 ⚑xxx
dullards , wafflers, motivator wannabes, self.promoters, spouters of new.age fluff. How will winners be selected. We have posted all the videos from each of the worldwide events on this site. You and other members of the public will have a chance to vote for the ones you think are best. At least 20 successful candidates will have the chance to deliver a longer talk or performance at TED2013, and we will offer coaching and AV
Ted2013 talent search. past teds. conferences. about. ted
dullards , wafflers, motivator wannabes, self.promoters, spouters of new.age fluff. Where was the search held. The salons took place between April and June, in Amsterdam, Bangalore, Doha, Johannesburg, London, Nairobi, New York, S o Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo, Tunis and Vancouver. In each city we worked with local TEDx organizers who have demonstrated their ability to put on powerful events. The first audition was held
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The deej past shows
dullards . October 5 High Signs. September 21 Lady PCoq. September 14........... Margie Perez. September 7. raised 1500 for Share Our Strength Katrina Fund. Thank You............ The Grandsons. August 24 Danielle Howle. August 17 Kevin Cordt Quartet. August 10 K ALYN. August 3 The Grandsons. July 27 Dennis Jay. July 20 The dullards . July 13 The Grandsons. June 29 Janine Wilson. June 22 Kevin Cordt Quartet. June 15 Klingle Valley libya where is the au.
dullards who did not know what they were doing in Libya.From London, Washington to Rome, the clarion call was Gaddafi must go. and not surprisingly the Libyan rebels refused to accept the peace proposals that was tabled by the AU panel and echoed their master calls that Gaddafi should have no role to play in Libya.But again, the AU only has itself to blame because they let the westerners have a field day in Libya to the extent of
Just say what you mean. just well mixed
2014-11-12 ⚑blog
dullards ; they know when they 8217;re being talked down to, or around, or condescended to. And this kind of despite what you see all around you, trust me, nothing has changed rhetoric sets off those alarm bells rather loudly. It makes you wonder what else you aren 8217;t being told, rather than reassuring you that the person doing the telling knows what they are doing. Be brave. Have faith in your decisions. Say what you mean.
What games are
2015-06-17 ⚑games ⚑blog
dullards who only want to be served the familiar. That 39;s a comforting interpretation in the face of obscurity, but not real. The problem is that the creator is not doing the difficult work of figuring out how to resonate with her audience. She 39;s either not speaking their language, or she 39;s saying the thing that they 39;ve heard a thousand times before. And of course, there is no one fixed audience. Monument Valley 39;s
Highpoint lowlife records
2006-11-20 ⚑music
dullards over the years. This is spine tingling quite heavy, harking back to the days when Explosions, Godspeed Mogwai tore your head off with brooding bass, flailing drums cascading barrels of molten feedback. Oh yes, the opener on here is beefy as fuck. Further investigation for I am Sherlock, no shit reveals playful depths impressive melodic nous, even taking some sublime banjo into the mix to make this the best so called
More than powerpoint..
2012-11-30 ⚑blog
dullards would do well to work with professional speech writers and coaches. Professionals can help buff a dull personality or presentation so that it shines on stage. If it an important presentation, don t mess around. hire a pro.3. You can be someone else. OK, you can t really BE someone else. But you can channel the spirit of someone you admire, and project their personality when you speak. This actually takes a speech out of
Sex workers without borders
2012-05-17 ⚑xxx
dullards incapable of independent choice and likening them to objects which can be trafficked like a trunkfull of marijuana or a kilogram of cocaine. The abolitionist approach conveniently ignores the social and economic issues that compel women to enter the sex industry and instead causes further harm to the very people they claim to want to help. The model of decriminalization our organization supports mirrors that of the
Occam 039;s panda rsaquo; like a big furry razor, but different
2012-03-20 ⚑music
dullards who actually think this is a legitimate way to communicate. They should be shunned even from impolite society. Also, people who use 8220;lol 8221; as a comma, period, or any other punctuation mark should be tossed into live volcanoes. Filed in whatever. Tagged bad ideas, homophones, language. Comments 0 Saint Patrick, Historical Jerk. Wednesday, March 17, 2010 It 8217;s St. Patrick 8217;s Day. This is the day we celebrate
A geek with a hat
dullards , motivator wannabes or spouters of new.age fluff TEDx coming to Nagpur TEDx 2011 Embracing Risk Live.Blog No responses yet Everyone should learn about programming Feb 01 2012 What use have an artist, a baker, a winemaker, a firefighter and a brewer with programming. None. A brewer Yet. An article surfaced on HackerNews yesterday arguing that Programming is the new
Ted2013 the young. the wise. the undiscovered. talent search
2013-03-11 xxx
dullards , wafflers, motivator wannabes, self.promoters, spouters of new.age fluff. How will winners be selected. We have posted all the videos from each of the worldwide events on this site. You and other members of the public will have a chance to vote for the ones you think are best. At least 20 successful candidates will have the chance to deliver a longer talk or performance at TED2013, and we will offer coaching and AV
Sex workers without borders
2012-05-17 xxx
dullards incapable of independent choice and likening them to objects which can be trafficked like a trunkfull of marijuana or a kilogram of cocaine. The abolitionist approach conveniently ignores the social and economic issues that compel women to enter the sex industry and instead causes further harm to the very people they claim to want to help. The model of decriminalization our organization supports mirrors that of the
Ted2013 talent search. past teds. conferences. about. ted
dullards , wafflers, motivator wannabes, self.promoters, spouters of new.age fluff. Where was the search held. The salons took place between April and June, in Amsterdam, Bangalore, Doha, Johannesburg, London, Nairobi, New York, S o Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo, Tunis and Vancouver. In each city we worked with local TEDx organizers who have demonstrated their ability to put on powerful events. The first audition was held
Ted2013 talent search. past teds. conferences. about. ted
dullards , wafflers, motivator wannabes, self.promoters, spouters of new.age fluff. Where was the search held. The salons took place between April and June, in Amsterdam, Bangalore, Doha, Johannesburg, London, Nairobi, New York, S o Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo, Tunis and Vancouver. In each city we worked with local TEDx organizers who have demonstrated their ability to put on powerful events. The first audition was held
Just say what you mean. just well mixed
2014-11-12 blog
dullards ; they know when they 8217;re being talked down to, or around, or condescended to. And this kind of despite what you see all around you, trust me, nothing has changed rhetoric sets off those alarm bells rather loudly. It makes you wonder what else you aren 8217;t being told, rather than reassuring you that the person doing the telling knows what they are doing. Be brave. Have faith in your decisions. Say what you mean.
What games are
2015-06-17 ⚑games blog
dullards who only want to be served the familiar. That 39;s a comforting interpretation in the face of obscurity, but not real. The problem is that the creator is not doing the difficult work of figuring out how to resonate with her audience. She 39;s either not speaking their language, or she 39;s saying the thing that they 39;ve heard a thousand times before. And of course, there is no one fixed audience. Monument Valley 39;s
More than powerpoint..
2012-11-30 blog
dullards would do well to work with professional speech writers and coaches. Professionals can help buff a dull personality or presentation so that it shines on stage. If it an important presentation, don t mess around. hire a pro.3. You can be someone else. OK, you can t really BE someone else. But you can channel the spirit of someone you admire, and project their personality when you speak. This actually takes a speech out of
What games are
2015-06-17 games ⚑blog
dullards who only want to be served the familiar. That 39;s a comforting interpretation in the face of obscurity, but not real. The problem is that the creator is not doing the difficult work of figuring out how to resonate with her audience. She 39;s either not speaking their language, or she 39;s saying the thing that they 39;ve heard a thousand times before. And of course, there is no one fixed audience. Monument Valley 39;s

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