
'Fridgecasts' web sites

Fullfridge music dogboy
2012-03-27 ⚑music
fridgecasts Events BookingMediasLabelPressContacts DogboyDogboy by LilyCupDogboy that a name who should talk to heads.. Born in a small town in eastern France, Dogboy made himself in rock by playing the guitar. Quickly, the opportunity to join a recording studio in Paris as an assistant opened new doors for production. Armed with his first Aka and Atari sampling weapons, every UK bass genres passed by the Dogboy mill, from dub to
Fullfridge music dogboy
2012-03-27 music
fridgecasts Events BookingMediasLabelPressContacts DogboyDogboy by LilyCupDogboy that a name who should talk to heads.. Born in a small town in eastern France, Dogboy made himself in rock by playing the guitar. Quickly, the opportunity to join a recording studio in Paris as an assistant opened new doors for production. Armed with his first Aka and Atari sampling weapons, every UK bass genres passed by the Dogboy mill, from dub to

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