
'Gendb' web sites

Druware software designs. gendb protocol
2014-11-05 ⚑tech
gendb Protocol gendb Protocol gendb is just a single Objective C Protocol definition that provides a common interface for all of our database toolkits. Anyone that wishes to build a database toolkit based upon this protocol, is not only welcome, but encouraged to. With ODBCKit and PGSQLKit, we started with a common base of functionality and implemented an informal protocol that allowed us to write code for either with very little
Druware software designs. products
gendb Objective.C Protocol gendb is just a single Objective C Protocol definition that provides a common interface for all of our database toolkits. Anyone that wishes to build a database toolkit based upon this protocol, is not only welcome, but encouraged to. With ODBCKit and PGSQLKit, we started with a common base of functionality and implemented an informal protocol that allowed us to write code for either with very little
Druware software designs. pgsqlkit
gendb specification which allows a Cocoa developer to drop in replace a PGSQLKit framework with ODBCKit or in the future our TDSKit and others as we expand the platform. Licensing One of the questions that is most often asked is licensing. The short version is that while the PGSQLKit is not Public Domain, it is as close as a license can get. It is a BSD style license, that grants you to redistribute it provided you keep the
Druware software designs. products
gendb Objective.C Protocol gendb is just a single Objective C Protocol definition that provides a common interface for all of our database toolkits. Anyone that wishes to build a database toolkit based upon this protocol, is not only welcome, but encouraged to. With ODBCKit and PGSQLKit, we started with a common base of functionality and implemented an informal protocol that allowed us to write code for either with very little

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