
'Ifmodule' web sites

ifmodule mod rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond HTTP HOST OR RewriteCond HTTP HOST , RewriteRule 0.9 200701 0.9. http article 200701 3 R 301,L RewriteRule 0.9 200810 0.9. http article 200910 3 R 301,L RewriteRule 0.9 200912 0.9. http article 200912 3 R 301,L RewriteRule 0.9. http b 1 2 R 301,L ifmodule 301 301 , htaccess, rewrite, Jan200913 dKeN
ifmodule mod rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond HTTP HOST OR RewriteCond HTTP HOST , RewriteRule 0.9 200701 0.9. http article 200701 3 R 301,L RewriteRule 0.9 200810 0.9. http article 200910 3 R 301,L RewriteRule 0.9 200912 0.9. http article 200912 3 R 301,L RewriteRule 0.9. http b 1 2 R 301,L ifmodule 301 301 , htaccess, rewrite, Jan200913 dKeN
Howto configure apache to run redmine. redmine
ifmodule mod fastcgi.c FastCgiIpcDir tmp fcgi ipc ifmodule The tmp fcgi ipc directory needs to be writable to the apache user chown.R apache.apache tmp fcgi ipc chmod.R 777 tmp fcgi ipc Note I had to do this more than once. It created directories which it then didn t own.. Download and install fcgi for fcgi gem wget http dist fcgi.2.4.0.tar.gz tar.zxvf fcgi.2.4.0.tar.gz cd fcgi.2.4.0. configure make make install
2006-11-20 ⚑tech
ifmodule clever stuff here ifmodule introduction to.htaccess This work in progress is some collected wisdom, stuff I ve learned on the topic of.htaccess hacking, commands I ve used successfully in the past, on a variety of server setups, and in most cases still do. You may have to tweak the examples some to get the desired result, though, and a reliable test server is a powerful ally, preferably one with a very similar setup to
ifmodule more clever stuff here ifmodule redirecting and rewriting The great thing about mod rewrite is it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail. The downside to mod rewrite is that it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail. Brian Behlendorf, Apache Group One of the more powerful tricks of the.htaccess hacker is the ability to rewrite URLs. This enables us to do some mighty
Simple gzip support for apache with mod rewrite. cravediy
ifmodule mod deflate.c AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css ifmodule A second option is to use MutliViews in mod negotiation. MultiViews allows Apache to choose a file based on the browser request headers and is designed to specifically support different encoding and languages which a client browser claims to support. This method allows to you pre.compress your files and avoid the overhead associated with compression. To use
ifmodule mod deflate.c AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css ifmodule A second option is to use MutliViews in mod negotiation. MultiViews allows Apache to choose a file based on the browser request headers and is designed to specifically support different encoding and languages which a client browser claims to support. This method allows to you pre.compress your files and avoid the overhead associated with compression. To use
Entries by ryan o horo. cravediy
ifmodule mod deflate.c AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css ifmodule A second option is to use MutliViews in mod negotiation. MultiViews allows Apache to choose a file based on the browser request headers and is designed to specifically support different encoding and languages which a client browser claims to support. This method allows to you pre.compress your files and avoid the overhead associated with compression. To use
Chrome frame developer guide. the chromium projects
2012-09-10 ⚑tech
ifmodule mod setenvif.c ifmodule mod headers.c BrowserMatch chromeframe gcf Header append X.UA.Compatible chrome 1 env gcf ifmodule ifmodule For IIS 7.0 and greater, you can set the header in a web.config file with similar syntax configuration system.webServer httpProtocol customHeaders add name X.UA.Compatible value chrome 1 customHeaders httpProtocol system.webServer configuration GCF supports both the meta tag and HTTP header
Use mod deflate to compress web content delivered by apache
2012-02-12 ⚑tech
ifmodule mod deflate.c AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application xhtml xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application rss xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application
2014-11-14 ⚑tech
ifmodule mod rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond QUERY STRING environ.localhost.mosconfig.scanner NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING menu.mod.path.tag.. NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING boot.ini NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING echo. kae NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING etc passwd NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING. NC,OR RewriteCond QUERY STRING NC,OR RewriteCond
Compress your css javascript files by patrick lef vre. categories tutoriel [..]
2014-11-09 ⚑tech
ifmodule mod gzip.c mod gzip on Yes mod gzip dechunk Yes mod gzip item include file. mod gzip item include handler cgi.script mod gzip item include mime text. mod gzip item include mime application x.javascript. mod gzip item exclude mime image. mod gzip item exclude rspheader Content.Encoding. gzip. ifmodule Here it is understood that CSS and javascript files are located in a folder on your server and not
How to get your symbolset web font to work with photoshelter. web consultant [..]
2015-05-08 ⚑tech
ifmodule mod headers.c Header set Access.Control.Allow.Origin http ifmodule FilesMatch AddType application x.font.woff woff AddType application x.font.ttf ttf AddType application eot AddType image svg xml svg Replace with your PhotoShelter website address not your CNAME. You can find it in Website Customize Website Settings.
Pedro gil candeias. travels through a series of pipes.
2012-03-12 ⚑apple ⚑travel
ifmodule .mpm winnt.c ifmodule .mpm netware.c If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run httpd as root initially and it will switch. User Group The name or number of the user group to run httpd as. On SCO ODT 3 use User nouser and Group nogroup. On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user. NOTE that some kernels refuse to
ifmodule mod deflate.c AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css ifmodule A second option is to use MutliViews in mod negotiation. MultiViews allows Apache to choose a file based on the browser request headers and is designed to specifically support different encoding and languages which a client browser claims to support. This method allows to you pre.compress your files and avoid the overhead associated with compression. To use
Entries by ryan o horo. cravediy
ifmodule mod deflate.c AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css ifmodule A second option is to use MutliViews in mod negotiation. MultiViews allows Apache to choose a file based on the browser request headers and is designed to specifically support different encoding and languages which a client browser claims to support. This method allows to you pre.compress your files and avoid the overhead associated with compression. To use
Pedro gil candeias. travels through a series of pipes.
2012-03-12 apple ⚑travel
ifmodule .mpm winnt.c ifmodule .mpm netware.c If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run httpd as root initially and it will switch. User Group The name or number of the user group to run httpd as. On SCO ODT 3 use User nouser and Group nogroup. On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user. NOTE that some kernels refuse to
Pedro gil candeias. travels through a series of pipes.
2012-03-12 ⚑apple travel
ifmodule .mpm winnt.c ifmodule .mpm netware.c If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run httpd as root initially and it will switch. User Group The name or number of the user group to run httpd as. On SCO ODT 3 use User nouser and Group nogroup. On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user. NOTE that some kernels refuse to

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